Chapter 57: Split Up

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(Readers POV) (One Month Later)

I activated my Power at Times 1,000. My mom jumped over at me and tried to kick me. I blocked it, but mom quickly punched me in my side, sending me sideways. I was about to crash into our house, but she got in front of me and caught me.

Super: I think that's enough training for now. Good job.

I sighed and stopped using my Power. I've had no luck mastering it. No matter how many times I try to get the original holder of my Power, Energy Multiplication, he doesn't respond or move at all.

Super: Is something wrong sweetie?

(Y/N): No... It's nothing mom.

I started to think about the situation. No one has found Growth or Ashley yet. It's really weird that they haven't done anything for the past month.

(Y/N): Actually mom... I was wondering if you could answer a question that's been on my mind.

Super: Sure thing. What is it about?

(Y/N): Well, if you had to fight against a friend, what would you do?

Mom looked down at the ground and turned around, having her back face towards me.

Super: I don't know, guess I'll have to find that answer out myself.

Mom let out a sigh before looking back at me.

Super: So how has everyone else been this past month?

(Y/N): Oh, they're doing great. All of them are training as hard as they can for Growth.

Super: Good. They're going to need it.

I heard something start to ring. Mom pulled out her phone and answered it. I can see the contact from where I'm standing and it's Agent Smith.

Super: Yes?... Right now?... Fine, me, Kane, and (Y/N) will be there as soon as possible.

She hung up the phone and put it back in her pocket.

Super: Ok, get your dad. Agent Smith needs us.

I nodded my head and stepped inside my house.

(Y/N): Hey dad! We need to go! Agent Smith needs us!

Kane: Alright!

Dad walked past me and went outside. Me and him walked over to mom. Dad pointed at me and her, making a purple aura surrounded both of us.

Super: Hold on tight!

Mom jumped high up into the air, making dad fly up with her. I was quickly to follow as the purple aura forced me to fly up next to dad. After flying through the air for a couple seconds, me, mom, and dad landed on the ground in front of a building about in the middle of the city. We walked into the building. A woman in a suit was at the front.

Secretary: Welcome. Agent Smith would like to see you.

She started to walk off, making me, mom, and dad follow her. She stopped at a door and opened it.

Secretary: He is inside this room.

(Y/N): Thank you ma'am.

Me, mom, and dad all walked into the room. The door closed behind us. I saw Agent Smith turn his head to look at us.

Smith: Just on time.

I looked over and saw Katie, Grace, Ivy, Isabelle, Tyler, Top, and Dave also in the room.

Smith: Now that everyone is here, we can get down to business.

Top: What is this about?

Smith: Turbo reported to me recently that he spotted Growth in town. I called you all here so I can inform you all.

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