family troubles [C]

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The little voice stirred the fourteen year-old demon from his sleep, "Guppy? Why're you awake?" He sat up and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

Capridam sniffled, "Nephy is upset at me."

"Oh, Cap, c'mere," Crawdad pulled the twelve year-old into a gentle hug, "What happened, Guppy?"

"Th- They think I'm weak."

Crawdad sighed, of course their parents would believe that. They were already rank four, they just expected their children to rank immediately.

"You're not weak, Guppy." Craw told them, "You're so strong, and smart. I want to be just like you."

"Really?" Capridam asked, hiding their face from their older brother. "You're not just sayin' that 'cause I'm sad?"

Crawdad laughed softly, "I would never lie to you, Guppy. Cross my heart."

The older demon lay back down with his little sibling, kissing the top of their head. Crawdad was basically the only person to take care of Capridam; Their parents were absent and when they did show up, it was to neglect them; Their older sister, Seerova, was the family golden child who could do no wrong.

"Can I stay the night?"

Craw smiled, "Of course, Guppy." He pulled the blankets over them and curled his tail over the younger demon for protection, "Get some sleep."

The twelve year-old nodded off quickly, leaving Crawdad awake and frustrated.

How dare Nephmir belittle the only good thing in this realm.

Capridam deserved better parents.

He should get to sleep as well.

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