grief [SC]

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"Ellie... how are you doing?" Silas asked softly, walking around town with his friend.

It'd been a week since Edric's untimely death, and this was one of the first times Ellwyn had managed to get out of bed, so she decided to just walk.

They looked up at him, she was tired and you could tell, "I don't feel right anymore."

The tall one took initiative and held their hand, "you're gonna be alright, not now, but it will look up soon" he smiled reassuringly.

"If that's what you think..." She paused, deciding to look inside the fabric store they had walked by.

She was borrowing others clothes as they burned their own, so they were in desperate need of new clothes. "What colour do you think suits me?" She mindlessly asked Silas.

He hummed in thought, "anything monotone or navy. Maybe natural colours." Silas helped, directing Ellwyn over to some of the fabrics.

"You're right, thank you Sai." Ellwyn didn't smile, but that was the most she's spoken for a bit, so Silas took it.

The pair picked out a few fabrics and clothes that they liked and paid for them, walking out the store and deciding to go back to their lodging.

But something felt odd to Ellwyn.

They looked among the new crowd, seeing someone with long white hair, and the same tan skin as her.



"Look over there, doesnt that..." She trailed off, pointing to the direction of the person.

Silas knew why immediately, "its not, Ell..."

She didn't care. They let go of Silas' hand, walking in the direction of their dead brother.

It was horrific. The mimic was bloody, just like how he looked when Ellwyn woke up. She felt sick.

"Sister!" It called out, smiling maliciously. "You failed me."

Ellwyn looked at the monster in horror, saying nothing and unable to move. The crowd walked by as if they weren't there, making Silas lose sight of his friend.

It moved it's hand to their cheek, ever so gently caressing it. "You let me die. You could of healed me, but you didn't. Did you hate me that much?"

Ellwyn smacked it's hand away, tears building up, "No! I loved you so much, Edric. I'm so sorry." They started to cry, falling to their knees once more.

Still, the mimic tormented her.

Then it grew quiet. Ellwyn looked up. Whoever it was, it wasn't Edric anymore.

"What a stupid little girl."

Ellwyn was distraught, remembering that they had just abandoned Silas.

The monster kneeled down to get on Ellwyns level, "you are naive. Tell your god that it's brother says hello."

Gone, it vanished.

Ellwyn gasped, tears coming back tenfold. Edric was gone, and this thing was now purposely tormenting her.

She couldn't see properly. Where was Silas?! Where was Edric?!

As if nothing happened, the crowd was gone and Silas ran to the distraught Ellwyn.

"Ellie, hey, it's alright, just breathe for me." Ellwyn heard someone say, she was too dizzy to recognise at the moment. "In, 1, 2, 3. Come on, try and copy me, Ellie."

Who called them Ellie? Toothpaste does, so does Silas. Silas!

She copied his breathing, throwing themself onto him.

Silas easily picked her up, deciding to just head home now.

"You're okay, Ellie."

"Si- Silas, is it my fault that- that he's dead?" Ellwyn asked, her breathing having evened out somewhat.

Silas scoffed, "Absolutely not, it was never your fault."

They just nodded, holding onto him. "I'm sorry." They said, quietly.

He said nothing, knowing she'd just combat anything he said. He kissed their head comfortingly, holding them closer.

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