its not equal [C]

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"Aren't you, like, four years old?" Seraph rhetorically asked, turning away and looking at her siblings.

How rude.

How dare she insult them.

They run armies for goodness sake! Could a four year old do that?!

Screw that!

Creed pulled out their crossbow bolt very quietly, arming it to a stabbing motion and getting behind Seraph. And just like that, drove the bolt into her shoulder.

"What the actual fuck?!" She barely flinched.

'Remember the plan, Child.'

Oh right, the plan. That plan. The plan.

Creed pulled out the bolt, suddenly being kicked to the floor and shot four times. Hah, like how she insulted them. Ouch. That did hurt. Like, a lot.

They quickly recited a small prayer to heal the major wounds.

"That was not equal."

"Yeah, well. You fucking stabbed me! You get what you deserve."

Creed rolled their eyes, picking up their glasses, "the first shot was deserved."

"Maybe. But still." Seraph huffed, putting her gun away.

Creed got up, wincing, "I'm not four."

"Sure. Control yourself first then we'll see."

Oh they'll see alright.

Kujo, one of Seraphs siblings, pushed in between the both of them, telling them both to calm down and separate them.

Creed let it happen, mostly preoccupied by the words of the punishments.

Do not mess up the plan.

Or they'll have hell to pay.

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