after dec and decs antics [SC]

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"uncle sai?" She said quietly, sounding guilty.
"yeah lee? are you alright?"
"am i bad for leaving mimi in the night?" lito sniffled on the verge of tears
silas kneeled down and hugged the distraught child, "no, you arent, lito. whats going on?"
lito began to cry, hugging her uncle, "my friend took me outside to look at the stars and they were really cool and we were going to go to somewhere but then toofie brought me home and my friend disappeared and i think toofie was upset at me." she was bawling by the time she finished explaining.
silas took a moment, rubbing her back and comforting her, "Toothpaste isnt upset at you, kiddo, it is probably more upset at whoever your 'friend' is. you didnt knowingly do anything wrong, youre alright."

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