an eye for an eye, yours for mine [C]

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It was going to be a peaceful talk. So Toothpaste had decided to send Ellwyn to her friends.

Toothpaste owed someone very important an apology.

"I want to hear it. I want to know why you did that to me."

And so it did.

It told Dec of the favouritism. The privileges. The bribery. The abuse. The unforgivable actions it took against an innocent person.

And Dec listened, deciding whether or not it should accept its apology.

"You were horrible to me. You made me who I am."

"I know."

But something was wrong, a patron asking for help. That can only be one person.

Toothpaste excused itself.

"This is your last chance, do not leave, Oracle."

And so Toothpaste made that decision. It stayed, just granting help to that in need.

Diell was pleased, at least.

They made up, mostly.

Dec promised to stop its wrongdoings, and Toothpaste promised to change its behaviour moving forward.

They both deserved a good thing.

But Toothpaste would not be getting that right now.

Ellwyn was missing.

It couldn't find her.

What did she do?

What did she do!?

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