meetings [AU]

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"Rus Allard?" The attendant called, looking nervous.

He got up, giving his husband a kiss on the head before going in for his audition. Hoakmin smiled softly, Rus hardly ever gave public affections so he must be nervous.

Hoakmin had just had his audition, it went well, all things considered. The producers were... certainly eccentric.

Just as he was mulling over the situation, two tall people hurried in, moving to sit next to the only open seats - next to Hoakmin.

"Um, 'scuse me?" The one with white hair asked, they were talking to Hoakmin.

He looked up, smiling at them, "Yes, is everything alright?"

The pair smiled a little, "Yeah," they continued, getting a disapproving look from the one with a cane, "Have auditions started?"

"Yeah, it's in alphabetical order or surname." Hoakmin explained, "I went first, my husbands in now."

"Ah, my names Amon. My grumpy brother is Aeron." Amon said, jumping back when Aeron tried to whack them with his cane.

"Asolf, surname is Asolf. So we'll be up soon." Aeron mutters, slumping into his chair. He looked miserable.

"My names Hoakmin," he smiled again, "Are you alright, Aeron?"

He just grumbled in response.

Amon quipped instead, "Bad pain day."

Hoakmin nodded, "I understand, my husband gets days like that. Just a shame you have to audition like that."

"Who knows, maybe they want a disabled person." Aeron sighed, sitting back up.

Rus wandered through the doors, bee-lining for his husband, "Hockey, you were right about the directors." He looked at the pair who'd sat next to Hoakmin.

"Ah! Amon, Aeron, this is my husband, Rus." He beamed. Rus took his seat on the other side of Hoakmin, taking his hand.

Amon flashed a grin, "Hi, Rus."

Aeron waved.

The attendant came back through, "Aeron Asolf?"

Amon rushed to help their brother up, letting him walk towards to auditioning room.

They immediately looked stressed.

Rus hummed, "He'll be fine, directors are nice... if not odd."

Amon sat down, anxiously tapping his foot on the floor, "I just worry for him, he's not having a good day."

"How did you get here?" Hoakmin asked.

They looked sheepish, "Walked. Aero's car is in the shop."

"I'll drive you home." Hoakmin looked at him, expecting a no but likely refusing to take it.

Amon shrugged, "Have to ask Aeron."

Rus leaned on Hoakmin, closing his eyes.

"How was it, Love?"

"Eh, y'know me... I did my lines, did what they asked, watched their eyes all sparkle and then they said I could go." Rus didn't move, he was comfy on Hoakmin's shoulder.

The trio waited for Aeron to come out, and then for Amon to go in. Hoakmin did (gently) tell Aeron that he would be driving him home. They exchanged numbers whilst waiting for Amon to come out.

Rus mostly just shut down whilst they waited, in his head and likely not wanted to be around people any longer. But he did entertain questions when asked directly.

Aeron asked him about his tattoos, "I got them at eighteen," he mumbled, "as a kind of 'fuck you' to my family. I didn't consider top surgery at the time, and it messed it up a little, but it does settle my point."

At that point, Amon walked out. He looked happy enough.

Hoakmin stood up, grabbing his car keys. Now that their auditions were done, they could leave. "Come along, boys."

"Do I have to?" Rus sighed, lamenting at the loss of body contact.

"Yes, come on, drama lord."

The four went out to Hoakmins car.

The drive was nice, no loud music, no awkward silence. And to top it off, Amon and Aeron lived nearby Hoakmin and Rus!

"Get some rest!" Hoakmin called out the window. Aeron just put a thumbs up. Amon waved as his new friend drove off.

Rus smiled when they eventually got in the house, "They're nice."

"Yeah, I agree. Now, do you want anything?"

"Tea, please, my Love."

Hoakmin kissed Rus, "Anything for you."

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