heres a story [C]

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"Edric!" The younger Noveller child screamed. She ran towards her older brother, arms out and grasping him in a hug.

The oldest Noveller child yelped and put his hands above his head, "Ellwyn!"

"You'll never guess!" She giggled, squeezing him closer.

Edric pushed her off gently, "No, I won't."

"Well! I made a new friend!"

He almost scoffed. Don't get him wrong, he loved his sister so much but she was useless with people. "Are you sure?"

Ellwyn gasped, hitting his arm, "don't be mean!"

"Sorry, sorry," he sighed, smiling softly, "who is this new friend?"

She grinned, "well, you see," Ellwyn turned around and started pacing the room, "I was in the monastery!"

Edric sat down next to his homework, prepared for the story.

"And I was left alone! I was super, duper lonely, Eddie!" She huffed, turning around, "I heard noises outside, so desai- desy- de-"


"Mh-hmm! I decided to go check!"

"Isn't that dangerous?" Edric queried.

She paused in her step, "I don't know... but I have a friend."

Edric rolled his eyes, nodding for her to continue.

"Oh! So, I went outside and hit into-"

"Ran into, or bumped into." He supplied.

Ellwyn nodded, "I bumped into someone! They had one eye! Do you know how cool that is!?"

Edrics faced soured, "we aren't supposed to be friends with those people, remember?"

"Edric! That's mean!" The younger Noveller gasped, "you're also one of those people!"

He looked uncomfortable, "I know, but what if Father gets you in trouble? I don't want you to go through that..."

"I'm a big, strong girl! I can take it, Eddie."

He just nodded, "You're right, I'm sorry."

"Be angry instead! It's all those bad people who are being mean to people who are just being people." She huffed.

Edric giggled, "That's true. Continue with your story, Ellwyn."

She nodded and got back to pacing, "Right, so... They told me that they were being followed and wanted sanchurie-"


"Sanctuary in the monastery! So I let them, I hid them in the attic!" She smiled brightly.

Edric stared, horrified, "Ellie, you can't do that, can you?"

"Well they said they were a god or something and could live th-"

"A God?!"

Ellwyn paused, "Yeah, is that bad? They said that they were a good god."

Edric got up and walked over to Ellwyn, "Take me to them. Please?"

"Of course! We can all be friends!" Ellwyn grabbed her older brothers hand and ran out of the room.

She yelled to the housekeeper that they were going out for a while to the monastery. The housekeeper tried to stop them but failed.

Ellwyn was chattering the whole walk whilst Edric was dragged along. As they entered the monastery, the nuns stared at the pair of children walking through but said nothing.

The Noveller children were well known in town, from the scandal of their mothers to their rich father, the whole town knew them. They also personally knew Ellwyn as she was to become a nun - her father's wishes - as she couldn't excel as well in academia as her brother could.

Regardless, the siblings were incredibly close. So seeing Edric wasn't a surprise.

Ellwyn continued to drag her brother up the stairs, getting to the attic door and loudly knocking.

Immediately, the door opened - almost as if they knew the children would be coming.


"Hi, friend! I brought my brother thst I told you about!"

The presumed deity looked to Edric, and back to Ellwyn. It clearly didn't care about Edric. It's hair was covering its face.

Edric huffed, "do you actually have one eye?" He decided to ask.

"Is that all?" It turned around, allowing the children to come in.

"Are you actually a god?" Ellwyn asked, genuinely curious as she pulled Edric in.

It hummed, "Yes, I am a god. Yes, I only have one eye. Anything else?"

Edric scowled, "How old are you? You look like a ten year old." Entirely excluding the fact he and Ellwyn were both only nine.

"How rude." It sat down, allowing Ellwyn to sit right next to it.

"Well?" Edric grumbled, staying by the door.

"Eddie, don't be mean!" She hushed.

"I am older than your entire city. You cannot comprehend."

Ellwyn shriveled into herself. Edric noticed.

"It means to not understand."

She nodded, smiling again, "What's your name?"

"You do not need to know."

It was Ellwyn's turn to grumble, "but I told your ours..."

"Yes and I told you to never do that again-"

"-because names are a powerful tool." She interrupted.

Edric observed the deity, clearly unimpressed, "well you should tell us anyway, or we could tell the nuns."

"Blackmail will get you nowhere in life."

"Says the so call god running away from something."

The deity turned rigid, "I will be leaving soon anyway."

"What about toothpaste?" Ellwyn suggested.

Edric grew a confused look, "What do you mean, El?"

"Your name is Toothpaste now!" She giggled.

"No it is not."

Ellwyn smiled,"What's your real name then?"

And it did not reply.

"Toothpaste it is." Edric smiled.

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