emotional [C]

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Ellie and Molly were staying with Sylvia for the night.

Rus had to all but beg the witch to take them. He needed to take a break. He needed to leave.

Rus walked out the town - with minimal glares and instead sympathy, no, pity - and just walked. He walked, he walked and walked and walked.


Rus screamed from deep in the forest, he was distraught.

He was... numb.

Rus let the tears fall down his face. No one would see him like this. He wouldn't allow anyone to be close to him again.

Hoakmin ruined any trust he could have.


Rus punched a tree.

"Stupid. I cannot believe the fucking audacity-"

Rus sniffled.

The firbolg fell to his knees, he began sobbing.

Rus sobbed for what felt like hours.

He had been used and manipulated so much. He can't believe he'd let it happen to himself.

Four fucking times.

Four times Hoakmin betrayed his trust.

Rus wiped his tears away from his face, he moved to lean his back against the tree. His hand really hurt now.

Hoakmin could've healed him.

He didn't care about Hoakmin.

"Stupid feelings."

Rus would curse out the existence of feelings, he would do anything to abandon them.

But he can't now.

He has two daughters who need him. He needs to support them.

Rus sighed. He took in a deep breath.

"I can manage this." He whispered to himself.

The rogue moved his good hand up to his hair, he pulled out the hair-tie. Shaking his head, he let his hair fall.

Rus closes his eyes.

He was going to stay here for awhile.

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