edric my brother [C]

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Ellwyn stood up, a little dizzy from being knocked down for so long. Silas was... duelling the enemy? That is alright, they supposed. Looking around, she noticed their sibling on the ground next to her, he was unconscious.

That was fine, Ellwyn thought to theirself, she could just heal them.

She readied a spell, but as they went to use it, the Eladrin spoke up, they spoke with such an evil grin that Ellwyn will not forget.

"I wouldn't bother with that," the fey chuckled, "he's long dead."

Static. That's all they could hear. Static.

That was why Silas looked upset.

That was why they all looked at Ellwyn with pity.

Their sibling. Their other half. Edric was dead.

Ellwyn fell to her knees, tears starting to pour and held his dead body, cradling their sibling so, so close. They were sobbing. Sorrow filling their lungs.

Ellwyn pulled the photo of child them and Edric out of his pocket, staring at it as tears continued to fall. She heard Jaskier come over at some point, and in their somewhat present brain, healed the other. Jaskier reassured them.

Eventually, things grew quiet. Silas had won and the monster disappeared. The first thing he did was drop to his knees and pull the sobbing Ellwyn into his arms, whispering comforts in their ear.

Ellwyn stood up, Silas taking Edric's body and covering it with his own jacket as Ellwyn was now wearing their siblings. She was going to throw out this outfit - except the jacket - as it was soaked with his blood.

Toothpaste held her on the train to wherever they were originally going, they couldn't remember. It apologised for not being able to help. She didn't speak, still in relative shock.

Having to tell Junimo was worse, Silas told her that Uncle Eddie was going to be asleep for a long time. Yennefer tried to give condolences to Ellwyn whilst comforting the child.

Ellwyn felt numb. She wanted to sleep.

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