modify memory [C]

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It wasn't supposed to spiral like this.

He just wanted his family to live happy.

He wanted to avoid his own upbringing.

Now he was on the edge of losing everything.


It began with Ellie.

Hoakmin ruined her life before he even really knew her. That's why, when he learned the stupid spell, he felt like he could help her.

"Ellie!" He called for from his side room, hearing the pitter-patter of feet coming down the stairs.

The genasi turned the corner, "Yes, Hoakmin?" The child beamed.

"Come here, I have a gift for you." The sorcerer smiled softly, beckoning the child to close her eyes.

He would fix her.

"Okay," She giggled, "what is it?"

"Well, it's a secret!"

He tapped her on the head, she went still for a moment. And then he put a plush toy in her hands.

"Open your eyes, Ellie." He said, taking a step back. Did it work..?

The genasi squealed in excitement, "I love it! Thank you Papy!"

It worked.

He kneeled down to her level and kissed her head, "of course, my dear."


Then he tried to not use it ever again.

That failed.


His newfound partner, Rus, found out. He isn't sure how, but he did. (Maybe he read his confession, but that was hidden...)

Rus threatened to tell everyone, take Ellie, leave.

Hoakmin couldn't let that happen.

"Rus, you're right. I am terrible, I'll tell everyone what I did." He was a good liar. A bard, after all, is always performing.

Rus huffed, "Good. I'm leaving."


Hoakmin grabbed Rus in a hug, "Rus, please! You're overreacting."

The firbolg became rigid, "You're right... sorry Allard." It worked again.

This was becoming...



Molly was next.

Poor, sweet Molly.

Hoakmin didn't even know she existed! He would've definitely taken her in if he did know.

He instead had to find out her existence through his darling daughter being kidnapped.

Something else he'd have to fix.

His friends and partner helped him interrogate (they interrogated, he killed) the kidnappers friend. Heading to the steampunk city in search of his daughter.

They -of course- found the disgusting, wretched, vile man who stole his daughter. And they -of course- killed him.

In his moment of pure rage, he forgot Ellie was in the room. Once he found her - and her new twin sister - she was scared of him. How could he be so reckless?!

Rus took them both, cradling the terrified children. He was surprising good with children, it warmed Hoakmin's heart.

He took the first chance he could to go home, welcoming Molly with open arms. Even if she was a small bit odd, as most children were, calling Ellie her clone.

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