this is odd [C]

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It started small.

Ellwyn just happened to pick up gardening in their cottage. For eco reasons, of course, being able to plant your own food and being able to procure all the herbs needed for whatever medicine she needed to make for the nearby village.

She just happened to have a green thumb.

Even Toothpaste had been surprised by how skilled Ellie became in a short period of time.

Regardless, Ellwyn found themself enjoying gardening. She found herself in her garden most of the day until their family dragged them out. She lived somewhat deep in the forest anyway, so she never noticed discomfort coming out of her garden.

Then the plants seemed to grow... too fast. She'd plant a flower seed and then three days later it'd be fully grown and thriving. In fact, in one instance, Ellwyn planted a tomato vine seed and came back a few hours later to ripe tomatoes.

Her wife questioned her magic one night, "what is it you and Toofie specialise in anyway? Is it herbal magic?'

They snorted, "no, we have life magic. I help heal people." Ellwyn kissed her wifes head, snuggling up to Fea.

"Only life?"

Ellwyn nodded into the pillow.

"I thought you had Druid magic as well or something, I know you didn't like talking about it because of your past but still, no plant magic?" Feana asked, confused.

"Druid magic?" They shook their head, "Nope, I've only ever been a cleric..."

Feana shrugged it off, "right, sleepy time."

After that, Ellwyn began to consider magic as a possibility. She knew it couldn't be Toothpastes magic - she'd even asked it, and it told her that it's magic only works on people - so what was it?

"I'm going out to the forest! I'll be back soon." She announced to the house.

Immediately, she received responses of 'be safe's and 'can we come?' To which she told them she would, and no.

Ellie trekked out to the dense part of the forest. She knew her way around, and they knew they were safe. She didn't know why, it was instinct.

She stopped and began to prepare a zone of truth, if her new theories were correct, everything would (hopefully) go fine.

"Is there someone there?"


They jumped and looked around, seeing no one.

Your spell has no effect on me, child.

Ellwyn pouted, "where are you?"

A separate plane. Information you do not need, child.

"Have you given me magic?" She asked, shifting on their feet as they looked around. The flora surrounding them was growing as they spoke.

I have. Do you enjoy my gift to you, child?

Ellwyn nodded, "well, I mean, yes, I appreciate it. I'm just confused... why?"

I witnessed your struggles, your life story, child. It resonated with me in a way no mortal has in quite some time.

They stood there, somewhat dumbfounded.

Watching you retreat is refreshing. You chose your life here, and I will aid you where I can.

"What are you?" They asked, letting vines begun to wrap around her legs. They were safe.

I am existence. I am this forest you currently reside in. I am the wind. I am the earth. I am the mother of all.

That was... vague, but Ellwyn could deal with that,"well thank you, Mother." Calling it Mother felt right.

Of course, child. Go home.

She nodded, picking up her rucksack they had brought with them and throwing it back on. She made the journey home.

By the time they had returned, Edric was standing outside, worried. She was brought into a hug.

"You've been gone for hours!" He had told her, very calmly, not worries at all, in fact. It made her giggle.

She hugged him close (she wasn't going to lose him again), "I'm sorry for worrying you, Eddie. Let's get inside."

He nodded, and the siblings went into the cottage. Dinner was ready, Lito was rambling to her mother about whatever was on the child's mind at that moment, and the rest of the house was likely hiding for whatever reason. Just like normal. Safe.

Ellwyn silently thanked the Mother for its kindness and protection.

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