Camp Fire Story's

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Just wanted to give you guys a text legend for this chapter. It will be inportent for this chapter only.

Bold Words: Someone telling a story
Normal Words: Normal Story
Italic Words:  Thoghts, or emphasis, depends really
~~~: Changing to someone telling a story (Just in case you didn't notice the bold. I don't know how well you eye sight is)


The gang ran into a big land mass, so they had two choices. Swim to the left, or swim to the right. But they decided to chose in the morning. The gang found an cave that had an air pocket. Cross noticed some roots the were there and he decided while Dust, Nightmare and Horror went to get something, he'll make a fire for them.

Cross went to the air pocket and ripped some of the roots away. He tried to start a fire by rubbing the sticks together. Killer surfaced in the air pocket. "What cha' doing?" He asked.

"Trying to light a fire." Cross said. He saw smoke. Cross started to blow on the little flame. It burst with life. "Careful with the water around it." Cross warned.

Killer swam a little closer. "It's warm." He said. "It feels like a little sun." Cross was perry sure if Killer had pinpricks they would be looking at the fire.

Soon after the others came back with some fish. Horror almost put out the fire without knowing. Dust watched the flames dance as Cross cooked, because Horror wanted to taste what cooked food was like. After the salmon was done Cross handed everyone some. Horror ate his in one big bite. Dust and Killer seemed amazed that it was even possible to do that. Nightmare looked honored to have anything Cross made him.

"Cross! That was the best salmon I ever HAD!" Horror yelled. Horror pronouced the L in salmon. Cross thanked Horror for the complment. "Is this the power of fire?"

"Hey, you guys haven't even had something made by a cook." Cross told them. They had questions. "A cook is a makes this stuff for money." Cross explained, they seemed to understand. Nightmare came onto the bit of land that Cross and the fire was on. He leaned on Cross as he sat down. Horror then came on the leagde too, Dust pushed Killer up and they sat together. "When people are gathered like this around the fire, they normally tell horror storys."

"People tell storys about me?" Horror asked. "That's so cool!" Cross had to explain what a horror story was to Horror. "Oh. That makes more sence. But It's cool anyways!"

"What if instead we tell the scarest thing that happened to us." Dust suggested.

Nightmare laughed. "And yours would be when you tried to eat me." He joked. Dust seemed to agree because he didn't say anything next. "But yeah lets do that. How should we do this then?"

"Oldest to youngest!" Dust and Killer said at the same time. Cross agreed wanting to know what Nightmare's scarest memory was. What could scare the king of the sea?

"Okay," Nightmare said. "But you guys have to make sure we know who's next. We need order." That was his one condition. The four talked told how old each were. Once an order was chosen Nightmare said. "Okay so we are starting with me at Five hundred something. Horror at thirty five. Cross at twenty two. Dust at twenty one. And lastly Killer at twenty one as well. Is that correct?" Everyone confirmed.


It was five hundred years ago, during the war between surface dwellers and merfolk. I was swimming in the ocean. My friend, Damian, asked me to meet him at the ravine. When I got there, he asked me if he wanted to go out. I said yes, because I was crushing on him for a while back then. It was a wonderful few hours with him.

Into The Deep || CrossmareTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang