The Ocean is a Beautiful Place

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Nightmare lead Cross to part of his room, a wooden board was stood up, some of it was buried in the sand. Nightmare moved the driftwood and behind it was a small indent of the cave that had the chest Cross took from the King. It was some of it was covered in red, Cross's blood.

Nightmare looked at Cross. "It seemed inportant to you, so I brought it." He said. "I also tried to clean it, but your blood just stuck to it." Nightmare explained. It was quite the sight, but Cross picked it up and looked at the lock. "What's inside?" Nightmare asked.

Cross held on to the chest. It was from his worst heist ever. The one where he left his crew and instead of being with them for a while in jail, he chose the cowereds death. "I don't know. I never got the key." Cross looked at the lock. What could have been in there that the King so badly wanted to keep in locked up so much? It was the most secure thing, and it wasn't even his riches. "But it can't be anything good. That King is. How do I say it with being as rude as possible?" Cross woundered, then it came to mind. "A bilge-sucking good for nothing!" Cross put the chest down.

"What?" Nightmare laughed. His laugh was nice, it made Cross smile. "What does bilge-sucking mean?" He laughed more. Cross didn't want to answer, because then Nightmare might stop laughing, and his laugh was nice to hear.

Once he stopped Cross finally answered. "It's an insult of distain." Cross told him, then he looked at Nightmare mouth. "Your laugh was nice to hear." Cross said. Nightmare turned teal. "I would like to hear it again sometime." Nightmare turned his head away, a poor atempt at hiding his face from Cross.

Nightmare went to grab the chest, but Cross put his hand on Nightmare's tentecal before it was at the chest. "It should stay here. Whatever is in there seems to currupted the mind, otherwise I'd propably chosen to be hung for my crimes. That way I knew my crew was safe. Thinking back, the King always got his revenge no matter who it was." Cross felt like he was going to cry. "Epic. And Fresh..." he didn't finish his sentence, Cross was crying again infront of Nightmare.

Nightmare went to hug Cross, but stopped for some reason, Cross didn't know why but he was greatful because since he teleported his ribs felt like the were burning. "Cross..." Nightmare's voice was calming to Cross, just him talking was enough to calm him down a little. "... Losing a loved one can be hard. But maybe they're still alive." Cross's crying slowed down, maybe they weren't. But that didn't change the fact that Cross didn't want to take the chest, the reminder that he left his friends. "It has your blood, we can't just leave it here."

Cross nodded, knowing that with his blood, a tracking spell would be really easy. "Can we throw it in that ravien near by?" Cross asked. "I just don't want to see it ever again."

"I'm sorry. But I can't risk my sister having your blood." Nightmare said. Cross understood, it was for the best. "But if you want I can carry it. That way you don't even have to see it." Nightmare made a bag out of his goop and but the chest in it. Then he removed the bag. Cross was unsure what happened to the chest. Did he break it? "Magic goop." Nightmare said. Cross woundered how Nightmare knew. "You looked confused." That would do it.

"Let's get going." Nightmare said. "The Bermuda Triangle is waiting for us."

• • •

Dream was in the crow's nest with XChara. He seemed to enjoy looking at the ocean, but he didn't want to be on the deck. XChara held a spyglass to his red eye looking for islands, or maybe another ship, Dream wasn't really sure."What are you looking for?" She asked him. XChara put down the spyglass and looked at Dream.

"Cross." He said. The one word answer wasn't at all what Dream expected. She was expecting 'and island with no one on it.' That seemed like the kind of thing XChara would like. An island to himself. "He'll be sailing the seas on another stolen boat." Even if XChara hasn't talken to Cross for six years he seemed to know alot about him. Maybe it's a concetion of real siblings? Dream wondered.

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