The Festival

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From the window in the cell, Cross knew that it was now the day of the festival of death, unless it was held off, but Cross knew the King wouldn't do that. Everyone looked misirable, they all knew what day it was. Even if they were going to be saved, it was still their exacution day, had to not look happy to deceive the guards.

Fresh hadn't done anything. Move, talk, even his magic blindfold didn't work anymore, maybe these chains killed the parasite? Cross worried that was the case, that parasite was his friend.

In the past week everyone got to know eachother better, they weren't fighting at all and could tolarate eachother. At least they had that going for them. Cross and Dream had the worst relationship, but they didn't fight.

As the sky turned orange they were let out of the cell. Fresh still didn't move. Epic went over to Fresh and tried to get him up, but it didn't work. The guards had to drag Epic away from Fresh. When Cross looked back, he noticed Fresh's mouth was now open, the parasite was there, but it didn't move. The parasite had died. Cross tried not to cry.

They were in cuffs that linked up, the walk went through the festival. People were dressed up and having fun, but Cross didn't like that he was probably the main event. Once they were brought to a tent each of them were tied to a piece of wood stuck in the ground, all expect Dream.

Ink noticed this. "Where are you taking her."

"The King wanted her to be the first to die." One guard said. "So before we get to the comedy and other things like the drinking game, we're killing her."

Ink looked to be on the verage of tears, Swap had looked down hiding his face. "You can't!" Ink yelled. "Let her go!" Ink tried to break his chains to get to them. Dream was taken out, Ink didn't give up. "Killer pull the string!" Ink was now crying.

"I did before we were taken out here." Killer said. From behind someone came into the tent. "Speaking of which. Hey guys!"

"Hello Killer." Nightmare said. "Dust, Horror, come and help." Nightmare went over to Cross and broke the lock keeping him in place, they hugged eachother. "I missed you." Nightmare whispeared.

"I missed you too." Cross kissed Nightmare.

"Never do that again." Nightmare said as everyone else was being freed.

"WHOA! What are you doing?" Horror asked. Cross saw that he was holding back Ink. "That way is death."

"Let me go." Cross never heard Ink have that much seriousness in his voice. "They're burning Dream."

Nightmare turned around to look at Ink. "They're what?" He asked. His tentacals were above his head, his expression was livied, like he was ready to commit genocide.

Outer, who was looking out of the tent from the entace, said, "It's not a burning."

Everyone went over, Dream was hanging by a rope. Ink and Nightmare ran out to her, Cross and Swap followed them, the others stayed back, might have even left.

People were trying to fight them, but Nightmare killed someone with a tentacal and non guards stopped. Swap was using his magic to fight the guards back, the King was running away. Ink and Nightmare stopped at Dream, Cross and Swap made sure no one got close.

Ink fell to his knees and bawled his sockets out. Nightmare held the lifeless hand of Dream, he also was crying, not as much as Ink, but it was clear he was.

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