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Nightmare sat on his throne, the others looked at him. All of them shaken up, Dust and Killer were still holding hands. Horror helped Cross stay still by holding his arm. Nightmare watched a starfish. "What happened today was awful." Nightmare finally said something. "If they know where we are, they might lanch an attack." He continued. "Dream wont, but anyone else might."

"How can you be so sure of this Dream person." Killer said. "She's just like them all..." He then bowed his head. "...Expect maybe Cross. But my point still stands, didn't you guys say she was the one to throw that first harpoon? If that's the case she can't be trusted!"

"Dream was aiming for me." Said Cross. "If non of us moved I'd be pinned to the anchor. She wants me alive so the King can watch me die." Dust and Horror looked over to Cross, Killer lifted his head. "I am a wanted criminal and I know Dream. She'll make sure no innocent person gets hurt. Her aim is also the best in the both the navy and army. If she wanted to she could've killed you guys. But she wants me alive."

"Well," Horror said with a smug look on his face. "If she wants you, she'll have to get through us first!" He said rubbing his knuckles on Cross's head. He then rapped his arm around Dust's neck. "Because we're a family! Isn't that right Dadmare!"

Nightmare growled. "I told you to never call me that again!" He jumped from his throne. Cross decied to make it a group hug, Horror joined in forcing Dust aswell. Killer joined on his own. "Stop this!" Nightmare protested. "I'm not your guys dad!"

"But some of us see you as a dad!" Horror said. "Like me, Dadmare." Horror tighted his hug.

Dust was very stiff, but he still seemed comfortable with this hug. "Yeah, I see you as a dad too." Dust admitted. "Dadmare!" He teased.

Killer leaned into the hug even more. "You've helped us soooo much." Killer smirked just thinking about what he was about to say. "So much so I started to see you as a dad too." Nightmare growled louder knowing what was coming. "Dadmare!" He joined in.

"Cross!" Nightmare said. "If you call me Dadmare, I'll kill you myself." He threatened.

"Don't worry Boss." Cross said. "I don't see you as a dad." Nightmare gave a sigh of relief. "I see you, all of you as my maties, I think. Still kind of to early to tell." Cross smiled. He was the first to let go. Horror did the same Dust kicked back, then Killer let go. "But I do feel like you guys will be my maties." Cross said.

Nightmare returned to his throne as he said, "we'll have to think about moving. I don't want to leave my kingdom. But for my subjects, I will. And maybe if we move there will be more of us."

The others looked shocked. Cross didn't understand, but he didn't know anything about their history. "Boss, we can't leave!" Dust said. "If we leave we're letting them take the only thing they haven't taken yet." Killer nodded along.

Nightmare sighed. "Yes I know. But if we don't leave you'll be put in more danger." Nightmare looked up like something might happen right now. "There's only two options. Leave and never come back. Or Let them have Cross, and some will come to hunt us later on." His voice carried a deep heavy saddness. "I can't have another one die because of me. Not again."

Cross swam up. "My brother said that there's always at least three paths. Two forwards one back." He explained. Nightmare turned to look at him, no longer looking at the cave ceiling longingly, like he was thinking about a friend who may have died. "The two you suggested are forwards. The backwards one is bringing me to the surface and I run far away. Dream will hunt me down again and I'll make sure they don't remember where this place is." Cross explained. "I might die, but you guys will be safe at least."

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