Selfishness and Self Scarfices

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Chara got the names of the gods, and ones that Nightmare appeartly haven't met before came out. Gaster. He looked alot like Chara's father, even shared a name, if it weren't for the X in front of it. He was the god of magic.

"I see." Gaster said. "If this is true, then there is nothing we can do but watch the mortals. But once you do get him back, I'd like to see him teleport." That angered Chara. The god didn't even want to help, but he wanted to see Cross do something. He didn't do anything, but he did want to puch him.

Frisk, the only one Chara has met before, joined the coversation. "What happened if they don't get him back?" Frisk seemed as considered as the mortals, that at least gave Chara some hope.

"If they don't?" Gaster consittered it. "The King would start another war between the merfolk and surface dwellers, killing Nightmare. But the mirror won't tell us how everything will go down." Chara wanted to yell, scream, kill, anything to ease the pain of what the god was saying. "XChara would be excuted, and the three others would be dried out to die."

"How long do we even have?" Nightmare asked. He seemed to be more hurt by those words than Chara.

"A week until Cross's hanging." Gaster said. The gods of death nodded. "Not including however long Dream will take to get to England." Chara could get them to England in a second. One overwrite would even save Cross. Kill the King. But Chara always felt like he was losing himself more everytime he used it.

"Me and Error will help them." Reaper said. "I don't care if it's mortal matters, Nightmare is my friend, and I will help him."

Asgore nodded. "Very well. We cannot stop you." The king of the gods said. "But. I'll be revoking your powers until you return. That way you are also mortal." Reaper understood and nodded.

The self sacrife for others. Why didn't Chara understand? A god was willing to help his friend get his boyfriend back from the King of England, someone who was currently feared almost world wide. Chara was only doing this because it was his brother, so why did everyone else do it. He understood Nightmare, being Cross's boyfriend. But the others. Why?

Chara felt like he'd would never understand. But he was greatful for them.

The god of magic gave the four mermen a necklass. "Those have magic so you can go on land. It'll help you." He told them. They put it on and nothing happened. "It'll work, it's just like those water bubbles around you. It only works if needed."

"Cool! Learning to walk when I'm blind!" Killer said. "Just want I needed!" His tone was inbtweeen scarsam and joking.

•     •     •

Cross was in a cell with Epic and Fresh. It had been awhile since Cross felt traped, but he chose this. He wasn't happy with his options, but he was happy with his choice. All he could do is wait for his death now. It was a fitting end, to be hung for his crimes, like all the greats before him.

"Bruh. You sure you want to go through with this?" Epic asked Cross. It had been very quiet before. "Because you were happy, you shouldn't have to give that up for us."

Cross thought about it. "I wouldn't be happy knowing I ended your lifes." Cross said. "When I jumped off that cliff, I wasn't thinking right. But I hoped my words got to Dream and the King." Cross further explained. "When I saw you alive I already made by choice."

Epic nodded. "Thanks bruh." Cross felt like there was supost to be more, but Epic must have not said it for a reason.

"Yeah. Thanks broski!" Fresh hugged Cross and Epic. It was alittle awkwards with the chains around their wrists, but they made do.

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