That Was A First

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Reaper lead everyone to where the other gods were, Error and Nightmare were catching up, Cross was making sure Horror didn't chase a bird or something else, Dust was still helping Killer get around.

The gods were all every different, expect a few. Papyrus another god of death and Reaper's brother was also a skeleton. Toriel goddess of life, Asgore god of the sky and their son Asriel god of hope, were all goats. Undyne goddess of war was a fish, Horror may have tried to eat her. Alphys goddess of knowlage a lizard.

A gray nine year old child was standing still. Their eyes were completely black voids. They seemed to have teleported to Cross. "Hello." They said, Cross stepped back. This was the first time someone teleported to him. "Sorry Cross." The child said.

"Frisk. Don't teleport infront of people like that." Error said. He teleported and picked Frisk up by the shirt.

"Cross, more people who can teleport, like you." Horror said, still trying to eat the goddess of war.

Both Error and Frisk looked at Cross confused. The gods were also confused by this. "But teleporting is something Gaster made sure only the guardians could do." Alphys said. "Can you show us?" She asked. Cross didn't want to disapoint a goddess by not teleporting, so he did. His ribs burned again.

"Be careful, it seems to harm you." Toriel told him. Cross assumed she knew because she was the goddess of life. Toriel put a hand on Cross's head and his ribs stopped burning. "There you go." She smiled.

Asgore stood up. "We should tell Gaster." He said. "Maybe this has to do with the disapearnce of you know who." Asgore looked at Toriel before he walked away, going to where ever the god of magic was. Some of the gods followed, that being Alphys, Undyne, Toriel and Asriel. "We'll be back. For now you four keep the mortals occupied."

Cross wanted answers, but if waiting was what a god told him to do, waiting is what he will do.

"So Nightmare." Reaper said, he had a sly smile on his face. "Is there was reason you have a surface dweller with you?"

Without hesation, Nightmare said. "Yes. We have a date." Nightmare put an arm around Cross, the floating water that was around Nightmare moved so it only touched Cross where Nightmare was touching him. "I'll be taking my leave with him. Take care of my idoits."

Reaper looked shocked. Error had something to say, he covered Frisk's ears, "you give your sister shit for marring one, and then you go and date one? Was not expecting that." Error said.

"I gave her shit because of who it was." Nightmare corrected Error. "The man she married was the one who killed our mom. And she still chose him over the ocean. Cross, hasn't killed my mom."

The two gods laughed, Error still had his hands on Frisk's ears. The trio were trying not to laugh, Dust failed, then Horror, Killer broke after a minute. "You are all bitchs." Error said before he let go of Frisk's head.

"So are you." Nightmare said back. "Let's go Cross."

As Cross and Nightmare walked away he heard Frisk say. "I could still hear you." And Error tried to explain that he didn't say a curse word, Frisk didn't believe him.

• • •

Dream had changed her clothes, so had Ink. Some questioned why they had, but nether answered because Dream didn't want people to know she was weak, Ink respected her and didn't tell anyone. After nether of them told people a rumor spread around that they 'had some fun' Dream would've prefered it if that was the truth.

The teleport was a succuss and everyone inculding the ship were all in the Bermuda Triangle. Dream told her crew that everyone was going on the island, if Error saw them they'd be doomed anyways. Everyone was to use the row boats because the ship wouldn't be able to get any closer.

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