Prison, Not The Best Place

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When in a cell without anyway to tell when the sun is up, you tell the days by meals. Twice a day, never less, never more. It had been only fourteen meals, and they were already being taken out of the cell.

Cross, Epic, and Fresh all had cuffs that linked up. When they got off the boat, there were lots of people waiting. Some of them had fruits with them, and of course fruits were thrown at them. Dream and Ink put the trio in the back of a carriage with cell bars on them. Cross watched from the back, and he saw a group of people run towards the carriage.

Cross turned and didn't say anything. He knew those people and couldn't help but smille. Maybe they could live.

Every now and again Cross looked back to make sure Nightmare and the others were still following, and everytime, they were. They made sure to take far back to not get spotted, but Cross still saw them.

"Broski, why do you keep looking back?" Fresh asked.

"No reason." Cross said, but then he mouthed, 'we might live'. Epic and Fresh smiled and then looked out the carrage bars.

Epic came back and whispered. "Was that your boyfriend?" Cross nodded. Epic relaxed. Fresh didn't look out again, but seemed happy to be that he wasn't going to die.

Cross kept looking back, he couldn't help it. Cross wasn't sure why Nightmare would've done the spell on himself to get legs, but he loved him even more because of the devotion.

Once near the castle Cross, Epic, and Fresh were all brought out of the carrage. The King was waiting for them, he had a very smug look on his face.

"Dream!" He said extending his arms. "I knew you could catch this wife killer. I'd have your head if not." What a lovely greeting.

"Yes your highness." Dream had no enthusiasm in her voice.

"Your highness." One of Dream's crew members said. "These other two pirates are gay." Yep, they were told on. Cross saw that one coming.

The King laughed. "They'll have the same exacution day as their leader."

Dream looked furstaied, she didn't say anything, but the King might've had her head if she did. That's when someone teleported in from a potion. They had Swap and someone Cross didn't know, both in cuffs. "Sorry your hingness. But these two have enaged in homosexual behavor."

Dream looked morified. It looked like she wanted to say something but she didn't. Dream balled her fists. "Then we can have an exacution party! Five deaths in one day!" The King smiled. It was gross. How could someone kill people with no reason and be happy about it?

"No!" Dream yelled at him. "Swap, Outer, Epic, and Fresh did nothing!" She stepped up. "You are a- a-"

Dream didn't know what to call him. But Cross knew what to say. "A bilge-sucking good for nothing!" Cross yelled. Epic and Fresh laughed.

"What Cross said!" Dream pointed at him. "Whatever that means!"

The King looked at Dream. "If you defend them. You are them." The King pointed at Dream. "Arrest her! We'll have six deaths the next night. And She'll be the first." Ink just stood there, everyone looking at him. Then the King said. "What are you waiting for? Ink arrest Dream!" Ink pulled hand cuffs from his belt, he put them on Dream. "Good! It'll be a burning, those are much more fun at night. Take them to the holding cells."

Ink now lead the group. He didn't say anything, but Cross could see his pinpricks, he didn't want to do this, that was clear. Ink then stopped and he turned around. "If Dream is dying! I'm going with her!" He then cuffed himself. People were confused, but brought Ink along anyways.

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