Black and White

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Cross woke up to Nightmare and him cuddling. He felt warm and safe in Nightmare's embrace. Cross tried to move away, Nightmare's grip tightened. "Why are you moving?" Nightmare sleeply asked, as he half opened his socket. Cross tried to leave again, and Nightmare just held on. "Cross. Just tell me what you're doing."

"We have to get up." Cross said pulling away from Nightmare. "It's the morning, we have to decide if we are leaving or not." Nightmare let go of Cross rather quickly and without warning, Cross who has been pushing back was sent flying across the room, he almost it his head. "Blimey Night! What was that for?" He asked.

Nightmare swam around looking for something in his desk. He pulled out a neckless that had a teal gem on it, he put it on and swam out the door. Cross was quick to follow, but because of the lack of fins or webbing unlike everyone around him, he rather slow. In the throne room Nightmare was looking at his three other subjects.

Killer seemed to be the most calm about this, like it was normal for Nightmare to sleep in or be late. But Nightmare's expresstion was clearly embarssed, how could Killer not tell that? Or maybe he didn't want to bring attention to it unlike the other two. Killer did things like that.

"So, boss," Horror's voice cared a playful tone, like he was ready to call him 'dadmare' agian. "Why are you lae today?" Dust couldn't help but laugh at this. Cross was getting embarssed too now. "Did it have to do with why Cross is late too?" That intrested Killer. "And why you talked to Cross alone yesterday?" Dust only laughed, it seemed he was smart enough not to talk.

"Yes, I slept in." Nightmare confirmed. "And to make sure Cross didn't leave in the night to make sure we didn't get hurt. He slept with me." Horror and Dust did the childish thing of saying 'ooooo' that did not impress Nightmare. "If you don't shut your traps right now. I'll sew them peremently shut." Cross did the best to hide his face, hoping he didn't look like a plum again. "Plus, you three sleep together. Why should me and Cross be any different?"

"You are the King." Killer finally spoke. "And the King of the sea, should only lay with his Queen. No?"

Nightmare pinched his nose bridge and sighed. "You three are so luckly." He muttered. "Okay. So, I want to hear your thoughts on moving. I have my own oppoin, but I want to take all my subjects into consitteration." Nightmare guestered to the four of them. Four subjects, at least it wasn't going to be long.

"Like said yesterday, I feel we should stay and stand our ground." Dust was the first to talk. "But. It's just the five of us. We can and will be easily overpowered. Yesterday if Dream didn't call if off me and Killer could've died." Killer nodded along with Dust. "We're unsure what happened with you guys, but that was our personal experience."

Horror was the next to talk. "I was able to swim away," he gave a heavy sigh. "But their weapons were faster." Cross was unaware that any of them got hurt, Horror must have noticed Cross staring. "I'm fine now, but still. I do think we should go."

Cross felt an uncertainty inside him, he just had to talk next. "I am impartial to this. On one hand, I am the reason they know where this is. If I leave they'll follow me, so in the end, does it matter? But on the other hand. Can they find us if we leave. Tracking spells for surface dwellers need the DNA of the person you're tracking." He said.

Nightmare waited for Killer to speak, when he didn't Nightmare just said. "So, Killer. We're waiting on you. What are your thoughts?"

"When we go, two of us will slow you guys down." Killer awsered. He said when, implying his answer was go. "Cross can't swim as fast as us, and I-" He stopped himself, reconsitering his words of choice. He stayed quiet however.

"I see." Nightmare seemed to not understand what Killer ment, but was considerate not to ask about it. "Any ideas for what Cross can do to speed himself up?"

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