Act 8: Part 3

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Name and purpose?" a scrawny man beside the gate of Kirigakure asked her, taking note of the tanto sword that decorated her back and displayed a small, hanging insignia: a red swirl that was once a necklace, as well as her Konohagakure hitai-ate.

"Uchiha Minako. I was sent by the Nanadaime Hokage." The gate guard nodded and gave her directions to the Mizukage building. She bowed in thanks and began her walk to the green and brown/grey building. 

Don't get her wrong, she could've just body flickered there, but she wanted to enjoy the fresh air and calming aroma of the salty sea. As Mina walked, she fiddled with the three-ringed necklace she always wore, until something caught her gaze causing an uncharacteristic grin to form on her face. A blur of ebony was all anyone could see as she dashed through the streets to catch up to his kenspeckle figure and effectively threw herself at him. 

She blinked quickly to regain her senses and swiftly removed herself before the boy could return the embrace. The words from his last letter repeated in her head like a cacophony of continuous chirps which resulted in her turning away with rosy cheeks.

"Ah, Mina, Hello!" Kagura replied with a kind smile, his own fair complexion becoming flustered. Mina gave him a shy smile, mentally scolding herself. She's a shinobi and an Uchiha for Kaguya's sake! Why was this boy making her lose her composure?!

"Hello, Kagura. It's good to see you again." The girl took a breath to calm her racing heart. If only she could get rid of those flutters she felt in her stomach. Maybe she should take her sword to it?

"You're here as a Chunin Exams representative, right?" At her nod, he added, "I'll walk you to the Mizukage's building." She could feel lots of envious glares but ignored them as they walked side by side. Mina could almost feel their hands brushing. The whole situation felt so cliche to her, like something out of those romance movies she sometimes saw Sarada watching.

"I heard you made it into the Bingo Book. Akai Bara, huh?" The Uchiha turned her attention to the boy and nodded with a sad smile.

"It's because I took out some high-ranking ninjas a year and a half ago." It was also because of the design of her Mangekyou Sharingan, but she didn't add that. Her father had instructed her to keep quiet about her new ability as it was able to be stolen apparently. Kagura nodded and placed a hand on her shoulder in comfort as he knew what she was talking about since she wrote to him about the incident. The taller male held open the door as she walked in. Mina gave Kagura a smile in thanks, before gracefully bowing to the middle-aged man in the chair.

"My name is Uchiha Minako, the Chunin Exam representative from Konohagakure, Mizukage-sama." Chojuro nodded in greeting and gestured at the chair in front of his desk.

"Welcome to Kirigakure, Minako-san. Please take a seat. I hope the journey wasn't too difficult." Mina shook her head as she sat.

"It wasn't difficult at all. In fact, I quite liked the trip. I'd love to live near the sea someday." With the pleasantries out of the way, Mina's busy week began.


"What has you looking so sad, Minako-chan~?" A tinge of somewhat manageable pain erupted from her eyes as an unfamiliar voice rang through her hotel room. "You know, you should avoid using your Mangekyou or you'll go blind before twenty like your father." Mina gasped, moving her eyes from the documents in front of her toward the bed in surprise (she almost fell off the chair she was sitting in). Her lips parted as she took in the appearance of a woman with long- really long red hair. The unknown, yet starkly recognizable woman crossed her arms with a frown becoming annoyed by the silence.

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