Act 9: Part 2

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(A/N: Got it out as quick as I could ☺️)

Eyes fluttered open as the sun shone through closed blinds. She sat up with a groan, though surprise filled her being as she felt no pain. 'Am I dead?' the girl pondered. 

"Mina-chan, it's time to get up!" The Uchiha girl smiled, brightly as she heard her mother call her name. So, it was just a dream, she sighed in relief. Mina yelled back that she was coming down as she threw on some clothes, though she couldn't find her usual wear, which was bizarre, but she shrugged it off. They were probably in the wash. Mina put on a lavender dress with white shorts underneath. She pulled her ebony locks into a ponytail and made her way downstairs.

"Mom, do you need any he-" She froze, jaw practically touching the ground. Instead of seeing the pink-haired woman, another one stood in her place. Red hair, dark purple she knew she must be dead. "Mom? I don't understand, you're here?" The woman furrowed her brows as she placed a plate of food in front of the girl when she finally sat down.

"What do you mean by that? I'm always here. It's your dad who's usually off on missions. The amount of credit my children give me, honestly." Her voice quieted to a mutter at the last sentence, as she shook her head in disbelief. 

"Is this heaven then?" the black-haired girl pondered aloud, ignoring what the woman had stated. This earned her a bonk on the head. "Ow! Why'd you do that!?" She looked up, only to see the red-haired woman's hair floating up, an angry expression on her face. Were her eyes glowing too?! The demonic image made her shudder in fear.

"This isn't heaven, dammit! What's gotten into you, Mina-Chan? Are you trying to kill off your parents already?!" Before the girl could respond she heard a quiet voice from the doorway and turned, only to gape.

"Mama, why is nee-chan being weird?" There, standing in the doorway, was a little boy who looked about six years younger than herself with short red hair and black streaks dotting it. He rubbed his eye sleepily and looked in her direction with wide onyx eyes. 'What in the-'

"I'm not sure, Shi-chan." Almost as if the world was amused by her confusion, they added more. There he stood, though he looked older than she was used to, and was sporting a Jounin vest. A soft smile graced his lips as he gazed at his family.

"You're awake! Good morning, dear!" Aneko greeted with a smile as she kissed her husband, the young boy letting out a gagging noise, making the adults chuckle when they pulled away.

"Come on, Mina. Aren't you going to defend us like you usually do? Something about 'Mom and Dad love each other so it's normal, Shi-chan.'" Itachi's teasing expression and glint of mischief in his eye disappeared as he noticed her lack of response and wide eyes, concern taking over. "Are you alright, Mina?" Aneko placed her hands on her hips as she turned to her son who was also watching the girl with a frown as he gripped his father's pant leg.

"Shisui, sweetie, why don't you get going? You're going to be late for your play date with Hima-chan." The little boy nodded and gave Mina a quick hug. She instinctively returned which made him smile brightly at her. She felt her heart crack. He was gone before she ever got to meet him...her little brother.

"Okay. I hope you feel better soon, Nee-chan." his soft voice rang out and Mina watched with what felt like nostalgia. She wanted to reach out to him, but he wasn't real. He couldn't be real. No one could replace her Sarada. He disappeared out the front door before she turned toward the two adults.

"I don't understand." She spoke to them with a small waver in her voice as they took a seat in front of her. "Where is Sarada and da- I mean, Uncle Sasuke." Aneko and Itachi exchanged a glance appearing to communicate with each other via their eyes causing dread to well up in Mina as she gripped the bottom of her dress in her fists.

"Did you bump your head on your last mission, sweetie?" Before she could answer, Itachi spoke.

"Do you not remember, Mina? I told you when you found that picture on my desk." His next words made Mina's heart stop.

"My little brother, Sasuke, is dead." 


The names of the inhabitants of the world were written in his large book. Some were crossed out, some disappeared quickly after the first letter was written, and some remained, though they never remained for long. 

It was both a blessing and a curse for the man to be immortal, but something that never changed was the guilt he felt when he had to cross out a name, especially that of his kin. That would never change and he was somewhat glad. Even though he wasn't fully human, he was still glad to keep what he had of human emotions.

The man felt sadness strike him when he crossed off an abundance of the names that belonged to the descendants of his eldest son. One by one, their souls departed from the world leaving very few. 

The man knew when someone was to pass on, for their name glowed a bright red, so how could he defy the fates some eight years later? How could he possibly have chosen favorites? He felt a sorrow he had never known, far worse than the previous had caused. Punishment. It was his punishment for defying the Kami. Yet, he felt a sense of satisfaction that he managed to keep a family together, unlike his own. Yet he defied the diety that placed him in charge of the book.

That faithful day in midsummer, the name of someone he had come to admire began to glow like that of the person's ocular prowess. A stark crimson. He should have crossed it off, he knew he should've, so why did he cross out the name above it? Why did his hand move from the glowing name of the person's companion to that of the prophesized partner of the newly crossed name? How could he watch with satisfaction as the name of their future child faded, only to be replaced by another? One that pleased him more. One that could possibly free him from this miserable undying life. 

That day in the middle of the Fourth Great Shinobi War, Uzumaki Naruto was aided in his fight with Madara and his puppeteers by his sister figure and the brother of his best friend. Nearby, laid the corpse of a pink-haired woman, and quite farther, lay a ebony-haired avenger. The blonde hero could see the streaks of dried tears on the man's face, and no matter how many times he or his wife tried to pass on, they would be unable to. Thus they were forced to live, a fact they would soon accept as the will of the Kami. They were just glad they could be with their baby daughter and six years later, their son. 

In summer on the day of the fight, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura died mysteriously. They were mourned by those who knew them, though one more than the other. Yes, the man who oversaw the Book of Life knew he was selfish. He ruined lives, yet he felt a sense of pride in saving those who didn't wish to be saved. Perhaps those human emotions he had, decayed to no longer remain. That was only an observation of the iniquitous ringed irises.

Author-chan's Fun Fact: The last 7 paragraphs were added on randomly due to not having enough words, but Author realllllyyyyyy likes how it turned out.

A/N: F in chat for SasuSakuSara 😔✊. What do you guys think? What is happening to Mina? Man, this is getting good LOL. I'm attempting to write another fic, though it's goin slow haha rip 😀. Anyway, I don't have much to say. I hope you guys liked another cliffhanger (I can feel the angry fans) Dw, it'll be good! Also, i just wanted to say that i edited this and wrote the last part an hour before midnight and now I'm pleased to have a cinnamon roll (even if i found a hair in it ha..ha 🥲). Have a great day/night and make sure to vote, comment, etc etc.

-Lily <3

Q: What would you name an OC daughter/son/nonbi of SasuSaku and NaruHina?

A: Sayuri for SasuSaku, and Himiko for NaruHina

Published: 09/11/2023 (😭🇺🇸)

Word Count: 1,432

Symphony of The Fallen Crow {Itachi's daughter Story}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora