Act 1: Part 5

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A little over a week had passed and Minako had grown closer to Sakura. At that moment, Sakura was getting dressed while Mina slept. After, the woman made her way over to the small Uchiha and gently shook her awake.

"Mi-chan, it's time to wake up. We have to get a gift for the wedding." the girl's eyes fluttered open, her dark purple orbs focusing on the Kunoichi in front of her.

"Good morning, mommy." she greeted in a groggy tone. She sat up on the bed watched as Sakura went through the scroll containing Mina's clothing. It had been given to her by Sasuke. Eventually, she decided on a high collar dark pink shirt with the Uchiha crest on the back, grey shorts that stopped at her mid thigh, and a pair of black ninja sandals- similar to, but not quite the same as her other outfits. To finish the look, Sakura tied a grey ribbon around her head as a headband, dark locks left to flutter about.

"You look so cute!" Sakura exclaimed, clasping her hands in front of her as she studied the small girl's appearance. Mina blushed at the compliment and muttered a small "thank you" bashfully.

The two females walked hand and hand looking for the perfect present- well, it was mostly Sakura looking, Mina just continued to be enthusiastic over everything they saw. She was fascinated to see things that the other villages she'd visited didn't have, like the different types of architecture. The older woman continued to clasp the child's hand as they entered a shop. That's when the little girl saw it




- a beautiful picture frame for a wedding gift!

"Mommy, look!" the pink haired woman smiled at Mina's brilliant gift idea and quickly made her way over to it. She placed her unoccupied gloved hand on the frame, her lips upturned, until another hand grabbed the other side of it. Mina turned her attention to the other hand that appeared to belong to a woman with long blond hair, blue eyes, and a revealing outfit. The child grimaced at the former, though she recognised her as Yamanaka Ino from the Hokage's office earlier that week. The two women looked at each other in surprise.

"I-Ino," Sakura started, "Imagine seeing you here."

"I can say the same about you." Mina looked between the women in confusion as they stared at each other with weird grins that freaked her out. After a few minutes of silence, The blonde haired woman spoke once more.

"That's impossible, right? You wouldn't get something so tacky, would you?" Mina frowned, her eyebrows creasing with the expression. It didn't look tacky to her. Minako watched with dotted eyes as the two women went back and forth trying to get the other to relent ownership of the frame. She followed Sakura and Ino out the door of the store as they were, unfortunately, kicked out. They glared at each other, causing her to sweatdrop.

"You have no regard for anyone, you have no chest, all you have is brute strength!" Ino spat at Mina's mother figure and she tilted her head in confusion. 'What's a chest?' She wondered, but remained silent like a good girl. Just like before, they kept insulting each other until a chubby guy came along. Mina noted him to be Akimichi Choji and this Choji guy looked like he regretted walking by. Moments later, The little black haired girl was being dragged along to some weird baking competition.

At the end of the day, Sakura and Ino decided to get a gift together- a picture frame the opened up like a pamphlet and housed four individual photos total. While they hugged it out like the mature adults they were, Mina sat on the grass, happily munching away on the food the two women had made. What an eventful day.

Author-chan's Fun Fact: Mina always had purple eyes even when Author-chan created her back in like 2019 for her OC book.

A/N: Hello all! It's rather late, but Happy Christmas to those who celebrate it and happy last day of Hanukkah to those who celebrate that! Sorry if you celebrate other holidays instead, I don't know much about other holidays, so let me know if you celebrate something else. I'd love to hear about it! Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, which was done in the likeness of that one Naruto filler, episode 496, I believe. As you can tell in this chapter, Mina is just dragged along into things a lot since she's only two. Yes, she is very smart for a two year old, but remember that she's Itachi's kid. 

Make sure to vote and comment! I enjoy reading and replying to comments!                                           -Author-chan~ :D

Published: 12/27/2022

Word count: 788

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