Act 2: Part 4

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 (A/N: Jiraiya, Whyyyy 😭)

"Come on, Sara-chan! Walk to your nee-chan!" Mina urged the seven-month-old, who stumbled toward her on two shaky feet, chubby hands pushing off from the edge of the couch. Her parents had tasked her with watching her sister while they made dinner, and got some work done and the five year old was perfectly happy to do so. The girl jumped to her feet and picked up her sister, twirling her around in the air as soon as Sarada had successfully walked to her.

"Great job, Sara-chan!" The onyx eyed girl giggled happily and clapped her hands. It was easy to see that the two Uchiha sisters loved each other immensely, especially since Sarada's first word was nee-chan- well technically it was mama, but Mina didn't count that. It was too much of a cliche first word. The child wasn't one for cliches.

"Mama! Papa! Sara is wal-walking!" she exclaimed loudly, holding her baby sister to her chest, the baby snuggling into her warmth. Both adults came into the living room with Sakura walking faster and Sasuke trailing behind.

"Watch this, 'chi!" The five year old bent down and set her sister on the floor gently. In response, Sarada pouted sadly and reached for her older sister, who gave her a reassuring grin and backed up. The two adult Uchiha felt an arrow pierce their hearts at the cute display. Mina crouched down on her knees and held her hands in front of her.

"Come on, Sara-chan! Show mama and papa, achi!" Just like the earlier try, Sarada shakily got to her feet and stumbled slightly before waddling toward Mina.

"'ee -cha." She mumbled as she made it to her sister, falling onto her lap. More arrows pierced them. Sakura's eyes were like hearts as she watched the two interact, a smile gracing her lips. The purple eyed girl twirled Sarada around again, both girl's giggling happily.

"Well done, Mina, Sarada." Sasuke praised with a small smile on his own face, placing his hand on the older of the two's head. His daughters beamed up at him with Sarada following Minako's example. 

The male briefly wondered if his own brother did this with him. He knew his mother, Mikoto, would've been smiling- not cheering like Sakura, because his mother was the embodiment of a submissive, quiet, and dutiful Uchiha wife. Sasuke was glad Sakura wasn't like that, he liked her strength, both in mind and body. His father would've nodded in approval, but displayed no emotion other than that. He wouldn't be like his father, he may be emotionally constipated- he was reluctant to admit that- however, he would push past that and be there for his daughters when they need them. He wouldn't favor one over the other like his father had done with him and Itachi. 

Sasuke's dark eye steeled with determination at his mental proclamation. As he turned his attention to his oldest, he did a double take. For a moment, he had seen a young boy with hair tied back and light bags under his eyes, but when he blinked again, the apparition was gone, leaving his happy daughter in its place. 


Mina walked down the market street in Konoha with Sarada strapped to her chest. She hummed a song as she skipped, short pigtails swooshing with her movements. The baby giggled happily as she was bounced around with the older girl's movement. She waved at other citizens who greeted her and gave them a big toothy grin, but refused to stop moving. She was on a mission!

Sighing in relief, Mina walked away from the stand with a small bag in her tight grip. She grinned and placed a hand on Sarada's head, ruffling her short black locks. 

"Ya think Papa'll like it, Sara-chan?" The baby giggled, not comprehending her sister's statement, though she heard her name, so she decided to agree with whatever was being said.

"Yeh! Yeh! 'ee-cha!" 

"Mina-chan?" The girl turned to see her favorite pale-eyed woman (there were a lot of them) walking toward her, a blob of yellow and orange in her arms. "Oh, and Sarada-chan too?" The girl fully turned around and grinned brightly at the woman.

"Hello, Auntie Hina! Sarada, say hello, achi." onyx eyes blinked in confusion but complied happily.

"'ewo, 'ntie 'ina!" Hinata smiled gently and crouched to the girl's height. It was only then that Mina noticed the squirming bundle of yellow and orange that the woman held. 

"What's that, Auntie?" The woman held up the previously sleeping form of a baby around the same age as Sarada. 

"This is Boruto-chan. He's my son." The two babies starred at each other with blank expressions, almost seeming to study the other. Hinata sweat-dropped and Mina giggled as they turned away from each other with a pout. The five-year-old knew the two would be great friends in the future.


"We're home, Mama, Papa!" Sakura peaked from the kitchen and smiled at her two children. Wiping her hands on a cloth, she walked over to the pair and took Sarada from the carrier when the baby reached for her.

"Welcome home, Mina-chan, Sarada-chan!" The woman eyed the bag Mina held, but said nothing- she didn't have to as her husband walked in.

"Welcome home. How was it, Mina?" Sasuke asked, giving the girls a small smile. His eldest daughter beamed happily as she sat on the couch.

"It was fun! Sara and I met Auntie Hina's son, Burrito or somethin', achi!" Both parents sweat-dropped at the mispronounced name, but didn't say anything as she picked up the bag she was holding. 

"Papa! Sara and I got you this, achi! It was mostly my idea though." The man held back a grimace as he peaked inside the bag and looked back up at his expectant daughter.

"Thank you, Mina. That was kind of you." He didn't want to hurt her feelings.

(What did Mina get Sasuke? Leave your thoughts) 

Mina-chan's Fun Fact: Mina was very excited to have a baby sister, but didn't know that that meant actually taking the baby home. She regretted her excitement as soon as she heard Sarada's crying in the early morning hours.

A/N: Hello all! I hope you enjoyed the last part of Act 2, next up is Act 3! How exciting and it'll be another long chapter! I promise there will be fight scenes and etc, but for now we just get to enjoy Mina growing up. Also, please don't allow your future five-year-old and eight-month-old to go shopping by themselves 💀, just wanted to point that out so I don't get sued lol. Anyways, Please be sure to favorite and add this story to your library 'cause I upload every week and ya won't want to miss that!

~Author-chan ;)

Published: 02/01/2023

Word Count: 1,119

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