Act 4: Part 4

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 "Hey, Mina?" Mirai started one afternoon, interrupting the silence that filled the air as the girls  watched the clouds pass overhead during a week-long break from the Academy.

"Yeah?" the nine-year-old glanced over at her friend with question written in her eyes.

"Have you ever wanted to learn to summon an animal to help in battle or something? I heard my Mom talking to the Lord Sixth about it the other day." the noirette sat up and nodded quickly, her best friend following her example.

"Yes, I want to. Does your mom know how to? We could ask her?" Mirai shook her head.

"No. I don't think she does since she asked Kakashi-sama to borrow his. What about Naruto-san? He summons toads, doesn't he?" Mina tilted her head, ebony locks falling down her back like a waterfall.

"I don't think we should bother him. He and Aunt Hinata just had another baby." She chuckled at her friend's face that yearned to know more.

"Heh, yeah. My mom, Sara-chan, and I all visited Hinata and Naruto at the hospital last week. It was a baby girl. They named her Himawari. I got to hold her." Mirai had hearts in her eyes as her friend said that, a mental image of a mini Naruto filling her mind.

"You're so lucky and that's such a pretty name!" Mina shook her head lightly in amusement, lips turning up at the corners. 

"Anyway,  we could ask my Mom. I've seen her summon a slug before and I'm sure she wouldn't mind if we visited her at the hospital." The black haired girl stood up and held onto one of her twin tails, twirling it in her hand. Her friend followed her example and stood with a confused expression.

"Sakura-san is working at the hospital? Who's staying with Sarada-chan then?"

"Sara-chan is staying with one of mom's friends. I think his name was Choje or something. I only met him once briefly. He has a daughter that my sister is friends with." With that, the two girls made their way to the large, white hospital building.

"Oh! Hello, Mina-san!" the nurse at the front greeted with a kind smile. She lightly smiled back.

"Hello, Ayano-san. This is my friend Mirai. We were wondering if we could talk to my mom, if she isn't busy?" The woman placed her first finger on her chin in thought, before nodding at the girls.

"I'll take you to Sakura-san. She's just finishing up some check ups." Mina and Mirai shared a glance before following after the nurse. A flash of pink caught their attention.

"Sakura-san!" Ayano called out and Mina's mother stopped in her tracks. Mina and Mirai hurried over to her and when the kunoichi noticed the two, she raised a thin eyebrow in Ayano's direction.

"Ah, sorry to disturb you, Sakura-san. Mina-san and Mirai-san were asking for you. I'll, uh, leave you be then."

"What are you girls doing here? I thought you'd be at the park." Sakura questioned as soon Ayano was out of hearing range.

"We had a question for you, Mama!" Mina exclaimed and Sakura led them to her office. It was rather small with a desk situated in the center of the room and a small couch off to the side.

"What's your question, sweetie? Not that I'm not happy to see you, but please make this quick, I need to get back to work soon." The girls glanced at each other, seeming to communicate with their eyes as Sakura waited patiently.

"We want to learn the summoning jutsu." Mirai said after a few moments. Sakura placed her hand on her chin, silently debating before coming to the conclusion that they would be fine.

"Hmm, okay. Follow me." The pink haired woman made her way to her desk, where she pulled out a scroll from the second drawer.

"Here is the summoning scroll. My apologies, but you'll have to ask someone else to assist you though, Mi-chan, Mirai-chan since I have to get back to work. But, please be careful." Mina grinned happily, taking the scroll from the older woman.


"Summoning jutsu!" the Uchiha exclaimed. Her best friend was reluctant to do the jutsu without assistance, but Mina liked to live on the edge, so Mirai followed in her example. Not the best idea, but what was life without a little risk? 

In a puff of smoke, the girl no longer stood on the grassy field. Instead, a dark forest biome surrounded her, the tall trees making her appear very small. She jumped in fright when a gigantic black bird landed in front of her.

"Caw! What are you doing here, human?" the crow questioned in a deep voice, looking down at her with its beady black eyes.

"I, uh, was hoping to get a summoning animal, Crow-san." Mina spoke confidently and bowed politely despite the nerves she felt. The crow bellowed a loud laugh, causing her to stiffen ever so slightly.

"Summoning animal, eh? We haven't had someone summon us for nine years, caw. Why would you think we would just let you do a contract with us, caw?" Mina stared at the crow for a few minutes, before she shrugged nonchalantly.

"I don't know? Anyway, my name is Uchiha Minako." The crow's eyes widened slightly after he sweatdropped and he leaned his thicc neck toward the girl.

"Uchiha you say? Hm, you do look rather similar to our old summoner, caw. He was good to us, but stopped summoning us years ago. Tell me, child, do you know an Uchiha Itachi?"

"He's my birth father, but I was cared for by his younger brother since he died a little after I was born."

"I see, caw. Come, child." The bird leaned down gesturing with his beak for Mina to get on his back. She did so, albeit reluctantly.


"My name is Ryuuji. I was one of Itachi-sama's summonings along with my flock, but not when he was doing his little disappearing act, of course, caw." the large bird said as Mina held onto his feathers tightly. She made a mental note to find out what her birth father's 'disappearing act' was. She always enjoyed learning new jutsus.

"What do I have to do for you to become my summoning?" the girl called out as Ryuuji began to descend. The crow lowered his head and Mina jumped off onto the soggy grass that sat beside a large pond. A couple of other smaller crows flew down and stood proudly next to Ryuuji.

"We use fire style when called into combat by our summoner, caw. This is why we worked so well with Itachi-sama, though he usually preferred to work alone. Show us your fire style jutsus. We would like to know that our summoner is just as capable as we are. You have until sunset to evaporate all the water in this lake, caw." Mina gulped slightly and wiped away the sweat running down her temple. She pushed her fist away from her chest with determination flaring in her eyes.

"Yes! I will do it!" The crows exchanged glances of interest with their beady eyes and flew to a nearby tree to watch. Mina weaved hand signs, stopping on the tiger seal.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" the ebony haired girl bellowed passionately. A large ball of fire erupted from her lips and hovered over the lake's surface.

After a few moments, the fire stopped and Mina slouched slightly while panting. The water had only evaporated 2 inches, but the girl was not deterred and weaved more hand signs.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!"

Author-chan's Fun Fact: Author-chan knows you aren't supposed to reverse summon yourself, but does she care? Nah.

A/N: Yes, I'm aware that the summoning contracts are with specific animals, but lets just say Sakura gave Mina an unassigned one, idk. Anyways, Hey guys! How's it going? I'm doing good lol. I hope this long chapter makes up for last weeks. Not much to say this week, but make sure to vote on this part and add this story to your library and share it ;). Also, pls comment! If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer though, I will not spoil. I also just enjoy replying and hearing you guys' thoughts! Anywho, have a great day/night and I'll see ya next week!

~Author-chan :D

Published: 03/21/2023

Word Count: 1,380

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