Act 6: Part 2

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A/N: ^^^^^ Don't listen to Sasuke, he's cappin 🧢.

Mina felt wide awake and quite excited because she would be receiving her team. The day prior, she had taken her photo for her ninja identification and as number 26739, she felt like she was on top of the world. Mina adjusted her high collared zip up shirt, and proudly tied her hitai-ate around her forehead, checking herself out in the mirror, before heading downstairs.

"Good morning, Mom." she greeted the Sakura as she entered the kitchen. The woman returned the greeting with a smile and placed a plate of breakfast in front of Mina. The girl ate quickly, before pulling on her ninja shoes and leaving the house with a quick "see you later!".


"Good Morning, students, and congratulations on becoming Genin. The path ahead of you will be a difficult one, but I know you will all do wonderful. For the next few minutes or so, I'll be announcing the teams. Once I'm finished, you will have lunch, then you will all meet your new senseis afterwards." Hideki-sensei exclaimed to the class. The man held a small sadness in his green eyes of having to let his students go, but also a great happiness for their success. This was his first class he had ever taught after he retired from missions, so his emotions were understandable. Hideki cleared his throat and began to announce the teams.

"Team One..." Mina was quick to zone out and lay her head on her arms, half listening for her name.

"Team Seven will be Uchiha Minako..." Said girl lifted her head up and sat up a bit straighter. "Sarutobi Mirai..." The girls exchanged grins. "And Hazue Isamu." Mina tilted her head in confusion. Who was that? She hadn't heard of him before and it was noticeable as she scanned the room until her eyes paused on a boy at the very back of the room. She froze for a moment when his dark orange eyes met her purple ones.


Mina stood up from her seat and grabbed her bento box. She waited while Mirai searched through her bag for lunch. A  poke to her shoulder startled her for a moment. She turned around to come face to face with those orange eyes that reminded her of tangerines.

"Oh uh, hello! You're Hazue Isamu-san, right?" The boy nodded and gave her a small, but stiff smile.

"Yes. Nice to meet you, Minako-san and Mirai-san." Isamu greeted the girls with a bow. He ran a hand over his light brown hair, expertly smoothing it down. He seemed to have as much formality as the Hyuga clan, the two girls noted. They just hoped that the stick wasn't too far up his a*s, that they would all get along.


Isamu, Mirai, and Mina all sat in the classroom along with a few other students waiting for their sensei to arrive. Mina looked up from her book just as a man walked into the classroom. She studied his features absentmindedly: messy orange hair, tan skin, and deep purple eyes. Interesting. His features didn't remind her of any clans around the village, so she didn't know who he was.

"Team Seven, you're with me." the man stated with a slight drawl. The small group followed him to one of the training grounds and sat on the grass, the three students directly across from the man.

"Okay, so let's start with introductions. I will start so you know what to say. My name is Kobayashi Ren. I like cold soba, taking walks around Konoha, and cats. My dislikes are those who annoy me, and people without the will of fire, I suppose. My hobbies are taking walks and eating soba. Finally, my goal is to help the new generation become strong." His eyes flickered over to Mirai and she took the hint.

"My name is Sarutobi Mirai." she began, "I like Sukiyaki, training, and hanging out with my best friend, Mina. My dislikes are anything Udon and people hurting my loved ones. My dream is to be someone strong that my father can be proud of.  My hobbies are training with Mina and spending time with my mom." As soon as Mirai had finished, the Uchiha sat up straighter seeing as it was her turn.

"Hello! My name is Uchiha Minako, but please call me Mina." She looked up to the sky in thought, before turning her attention back to her sensei with a smile, keenly aware of Isamu's gaze on her. "I like training, my mom, my little sister, my papa, my uncle, my friends, dango, and tomatoes, among other things. My dislike is the same as Mirai's minus the udon, but I also dislike certain people for a certain event. My hobbies are spending time with Mirai and my family as well as training. My dream is..." Mina frowned for a minute before her eyes lit up.

"My dream is to be someone who others can count on and to become strong." As soon as she finished her introduction, she, along with Ren-sensei and Mirai, turned their attention toward the final member of their team. The boy sat up a bit straighter, his posture stiff under their curious gazes.

"My name is Hazue Isamu. It's a pleasure to meet you all. My likes include the dark, sushi, and learning new things from my guardian. I am not fond of the rules and regulations of my clan. My hobbies are learning things from my guardian, like I said before, and training. For my goal, I would like to find a reason for my existence." It was silent for a few moments as Mina and Mirai exchanged glances, before Ren brought their attention to him with a cough.

"Well, you lot are certainly interesting and I'm excited to see how you all do. We will begin doing things as a team two days from now." He watched as Mina's purple eyes glittered along with Mirai's, whilst Isamu's orange orbs became glazed over with confusion before shining lightly in realisation. The man took that moment to explain anyway. "Since tomorrow is the Inauguration of the new Hokage, we won't be able to start yet." A new Hokage and a new era. Mina was excited. 

Author-chan's fun fact: Isamu was the quiet kid, who everyone forgot was there. He was an expert at masking his chakra, though, unintentionally. Oops. 

A/N: Ooo~ So Mina has her genie team now! I didn't want to separate her an Mirai cuz they besties <3, but anyway, What do you all think of Isamu? He do be a Neji Winnie tho :P. See ya next chapter! Please vote, share, comment, and add this story to your library to receive updates when I upload! Have a nice day/night!

- Lily :D

Q: If you were transported into the Naruto Universe, what would be the first thing you'd do?

A: Cry, LOL! then, I'd prolly try to feel that inner chakra, mhm.

Published: 05/23/2023

Word Count: 1,153

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