Act 4: Part 2

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(A/N: For future reference, the asterisks (****) indicate a time skip)

"I adopted you. I'm not your birth father." 

Mina frowned,  her heart sinking, yet she let him continue. "I'm actually your uncle through blood. You're my older brother's daughter and I would like you to know- no, you deserve to know his and my story..." For the next two hours, Sasuke told Mina about how his brother was good to him, the Uchiha Massacre (no gruesome details of course), how he (Sasuke) wasn't a good person in the past, and about his want for revenge on his older brother who had done the massacre, how his brother wanted him to finish him off. He ended off by explaining how his brother had been a hero and how he had learned about her. When Sasuke looked at her, having been staring off reminiscing, he saw that she was looking at the grass, her dark hair falling in her face obstructing his view of her.

"Did you only take care of me to repay him?" Mina whispered in such a quiet, disheartened voice that he had to lean forward to understand her and when he did, he grimaced.

"At first I did, b-but I grew to love you as my niece, but more importantly, as my daughter. I love you like you're my own daughter and I know Sakura does too, Mina. We both love you so much and I know Sarada does as well." Sasuke shut his eyes tightly, willing himself not to cry. He had to be strong for her. For a few minutes, she said nothing, staring off in thought.

"D-do you despise me, Minako? I wouldn't blame you if you did." The male asked softly, using her full first name for emphasis. Sasuke opened his eyes and his heart clenched when he noticed the liquid sadness falling from her downcast eyes.

"W-what was his name? What was f-father's name?" Silence.

"Itachi. Uchiha Itachi." Mina let out a saddened whimper and shook her head.

"I-I don't hate you, achi. I could never hate you, Papa. After all, without you, I would have had no one." Sasuke's head shot up and his eyes widened. They widened even more when Mina looked up as well. Her glossy eyes held a red iris with one tomoe in the left and two in the right. The Sharingan. She let out a cry and launched herself into his chest, hugging him tightly. The male let out a surprised grunt, but hugged back with just as much force as his one arm could give.

"W-will you tell me about father?" Mina mumbled into his shirt, his cloak engulfing her form. Sasuke let out a sad chuckle and would've refused if she had been anyone else, but she wasnt someone else. She was his brother's daughter and deserved to know about him.

"Yes. Your father was the best big brother and was a prodigy, so you come by it naturally." He gave her a soft smile which she returned with a few tears still leaving her red eyes. "He summoned crows and did mostly genjutsu with his sharingan, which you just gained." Mina nodded and stopped the path of chakra flowing to her eyes leaving them to change back to purple.

"You're a quick learner just like he was." The girl chuckled lightly and looked up at him from his lap.

"What about my name? Is it a family name?" Sasuke gazed out into the distance reminiscing while absent mindedly running his hand through Mina's long black hair.

"You were named after our mother. Your late grandmother. Uchiha Mikoto was her name. She was a very good mother, very kind and loving. You were also named for your mother's mother, Uchiha Hanako. I didn't know her because she died before I was born, but I heard that she was a good and very kind woman." was all he said. Finally, Mina asked the other question in her mind.

"What about my mother?"


When Mina opened the front door, she was startled, as the first thing she noticed was the pink haired woman sitting on the couch looking worried. It was eight at night, so Sarada was most likely in bed, asleep. Sakura stood up and walked up to the girl who was frozen in the doorway, bending down to look into her eyes. The woman searched them before wiping away a stray tear that had fallen.

"Do you know that I love you like my daughter. No, scratch that. I love you and you are my daughter." Sakura smiled gently, not looking at all surprised when the sharingan appeared from the intense emotion Mina felt. She just pulled the girl toward her and embraced her. It only took her a moment to hug back and her shoulders began to shake. The woman ran a hand through her daughter's hair and rubbed her back, whispering comforting things to her as she cried softly.

"I-I love you too, Mama." Mina mumbled into her shirt.


The black haired girl pulled on her pyjamas, rubbing her eyes to get rid of any excess tears. She had cried enough today! Mina walked out of the bathroom and toward her twin sized bed, but stopped when she noticed something. On the mahogany bedside table, lay a small plate with two chocolate chip cookies on it and a note beside the treats. Mina picked up the note and immediately knew who it was from due to the messy and uneven kanji writing.

I hope you like these cookies, nee-chan- made with loveeee!

Love, Sarada <3

The girl knew their mother helped her write it, but didn't care. Mina let out a laugh as a few tears left her eyes again. So much for having cried enough. 'I love you too, little sister, Mama, and Papa.' She thought with a soft smile.

Author-chan's Fun Fact: Mina's mother was almost going to be Kujaku, the only female member of the Four Celestial Symbols Men.

A/N: Hello all! This part feels rushed to me, does it feel that way for u guys too? Anyway, Mina now knows about her birth father~! Hehe. Not much to say other than that. Make sure to favorite this part and add this book to ur library so u always get notified when I update! Sharing also helps!! Thanks a lot and See ya next week!

-Author-chan :)

Published: 02/09/2023

Word Count: 1,054

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