"What's wrong, are you scared? If you want to drink for free in this expensive place, it's obvious."

Obvious? Standing against the wall? I didn't understand anything, but at their urging, I had no choice but to follow them closer to the wall. They let me stand at the end of the corner and continued to smile weirdly.

"What are you two doing?"

" What do you mean? You really don't know?"

The man with the gentle impression replied, stretching down to press the button hidden in the corner of the table. Then, I heard a sound right next to me. I turned my head in surprise and saw the wall next to us move. The noise of the next room, along with the light coming in through the openings. Could this be...

"Just a blowjob in place of a free drink."

With a belated explanation, someone's hand pushed hard onto my back, forcing me to take a step forward, I heard the sound of the door again behind me. 'Drrrr-' By the time I turned around, the door was almost closed. Then, I heard a chuckle from behind the door.

" You know what? If you dare to leave there, you will be rumored everywhere as a weak man who can't even use his mouth to please. The uncles in there have big mouths. "

I looked at the completely closed door and turned around, three pairs of eyes were all on me at once. Three men between the ages of 50 and 60 with flushed faces, greasy skin and cloudy eyes. It was only then that I realised that the room before was just a waiting room for guests. The situation is similar to when confronting the ugly guy wearing boxing gloves. The last words I heard from that voice.

{Rumors will spread everywhere.}

If i give a blowjob to these three people here, everything will just pass in silence, but if i resist, these people who have 'big mouths' will ruin my reputation. I wouldn't even be able to dream of having a sponsor. Perhaps the person planted by Myeongshin was aiming for the latter. The problem is that could I stand getting hit while boxing, but this time it's different. To be frank, I can suck the dicks of these greasy guys who just treat me like a piece of meat, since I have no pride to defend myself or to be more precise, I don't feel any value in myself. Day by day saving every penny to pay off that debt, only my body was working, and now this body is only still breathing for revenge.

Then it wouldn't have mattered if i crawl under that high table and put those stinking wrinkled cocks in my mouth. It's just... as I continued to be lost in my thoughts, i was brought back to reality by the sudden interrupting voice coming from afar.

"I've heard that he's rookie of Dream, doesn't he seem mediocre? What do you think?"

"Let's see, I'm not that picky about faces....If they have a good tongue and mouth, that's all that matters."


The person sitting in the middle at this point unbuckled his belt and explained to the bald man sitting on the left. But my eyes were directed elsewhere. The ceiling was dark and empty, nothing could be seen but electric lights. I just remembered when I walked in. Yes, there are surveillance cameras, plus the presence of the camera viewer is at the heart of the problem. I wondered why i was so mindful of the madman, but one thing is for sure, I have a feeling that if I choose to suck on the three things over there, there will be a lot of trouble in the future. I remember the room where Myeongshin was filmed and looked around for where the camera could be installed, I just stared at the corner of the ceiling, and then I heard a loud shout.

"Hey, what are you doing?! If you've come here, shouldn't you crawl down and get to work quickly, get rid of that face immediately!"

The man in the middle was screaming.

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