Chapter 28 - A Royally Grimm Problem

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"Now, now. Let's all play nice. After all, we are all family now. Isn't that true, brother?"

The man in the suit stepped to the side after hearing his boss speak. Stepping forward was Sean's brother. He wasn't as tall as Sean, but he had the same colored eyes. His hair was dark and wavy and he wore a dark colored suit. He stuck out his hand towards Sean, only for Sean to not reach out.

"Forgive me if I'm not in an affectionate mood," Sean said as he stared down his brother.

His brother then turned his attention towards you. "Ah, and this must be my lovely new sister-in-law!" He began to step forward with his arms out for a hug, only for him to stop in his tracks as your eyes shifted black and Sean gave a low growl. Eric cleared his throat with an amused smile. "Please sit," he said, gesturing to the table.

Sean pulled out a chair for you as he sat down next to you. Your seat was so close to Sean's you might as well could have been sitting on his lap. His brother sat down across the table from you both. He gestured towards the waiter, and three covered dishes were sat down on the table, the lids being lifted to reveal roasted duck.

"I hope you don't mind, but I went ahead and ordered for us all," Eric said as he picked up his silverware. You and Sean both just sat there, neither partaking in the food that sat in front of you. Eric looked up and raised an eyebrow, "It's not poisoned if that's what you think."

You nestled slightly closer to Sean, if that was even possible, as Sean took your hand in his under the table. "Let's cut to the chase," Sean replied. "Why are you in Portland?"

Eric took a sip of his wine. "Why to see my dear brother, of course, and to meet his new wife. I was shocked when I heard the news of your marriage and no one in the family received an invitation. You Americans are so strange in your customs."

Sean's jaw tensed, "Yes, well. When your family attempts to murder you, you tend to avoid inviting them to anything."

Eric hummed in response. "So, tell me my dear," as he looked to you. "How did you manage to snag my brother? I always pegged him to be a bachelor. So many women coming and going."

You felt anger bubbling up. Sean quickly squeezed your hand. The last thing you needed was for your Grimm to lose control. "You know perfectly well the circumstances. It is, after all, one of the reasons your mother tried to have me killed," Sean responded.

Eric smiled, his eyes twinkling, "So, it's true then? You are the fated Grimm that was chosen for my bastard brother."

You bit your tongue. All you wanted to do was drive a knife through his heart. You felt Sean grip your hand tighter. Your mate bond apparently warning him of your darker thoughts towards his brother.

"Yes, it's true. (Y/N) is a Grimm and my mate. And considering I am part Wesen, the Wesen Law of mating stands with us. If anyone attempts to harm her, they will be killed."

"So, tell your little lackeys to back off," you chimed in. "They are meager at best."

Eric leaned back in his seat, laughing. "I have to tell you, brother, I like her! Quite the feisty one you have on your hands. The family will be so pleased to hear that we have a Grimm on our side."

You tensed at his words. Sean quickly leaned across the table. "You are mistaken, brother. (Y/N) is not at the family's beck and call. If anyone attempts to take her, I can't guarantee they will live to see the next day."

Eric scoffed, "Your threats mean nothing, dear brother. You think we fear what you would do to us."

Sean smirked, "I'm not talking about me."

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