Chapter 32

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1 Year Later

Authors pov

Josh is now a dad to a beautiful little girl named Lilly and he is a proud farther he sees Lilly at least 3 times a week and Aisha is now living in London to make it easier for Josh to see his daughter. Lilly is a beautiful girl she has blue eyes and long blonde hair. Josh and Emily are engaged and there wedding is in 5 months time and they have decided to get married at the lake district and are trying for a baby of there own.

Jess has also had a little baby boy Tommy and George is very protective but very proud to be a dad They now have a house in the middle of London but also own a little cottage in Cornwall after George enjoyed the break so much. Tommy is a cute baby he has big brown eyes and little hair, he looks just like George and has the same cheeckbones.

Masisie and Sam are now engaged and they are getting married in the summer in cuba, Emily is going to be maid of honor and Josh is going to be the bestman.

Somaira and Zayn are now living in America after One Direction got massive over there but they are both happy and visit the uk every couple of months. Somaira is also expecting baby twins which are due in 3months.

Chloe and Aaron relationship ended after 3months but they are both friends and both dating new people but Chloe is still living in London and starts university in a few weeks.

Jody and JJ have been married for 2months, they got married in the Caribbean, Emily was maid of honour and George was best man. Jody is also 6 months pregnant and is expecting a baby girl.

Olly and Jaymi have been married for a year and are just as strong they are currently on holiday celebrating there first anniversary. Jaymi and Olly are also trying to adopt a child and are living in Luton to be closer to Jaymis family.

Union J are now very famous and have 3 albums out which all made the top 10 selling charts, all the boys start a new tour in 3 months time which is a worldwide tour all the girlfriends/ wifes are going on the tour with them and Josh is going to be seeing Lilly as much as he can but Aisha and Josh have sorted out a plan to make sure that he still gets to see his daughter.

The End

Thank you to anyone that has read :) i hope you enjoyed it im working on another Union J fanfic if anyone of you want to read it :-) xx

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