Chapter 16

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Josh pov

I tossed and turned as the light beamed in through the curtains, i turned over and saw Emily was still fast asleep, i kissed her for head and turn back on my back, she looked beautiful when she is asleep. I picked up my phone that was buzzing, i must of forgot to turn of my alarm it was only 9am which means i have only had around 4 hours sleep i was knackered, i had a banging headache from all the drink but surprisingly i was in a fantastic hypo mood. I felt Emily stirring the alarm must of woke her up *Morning beautiful* she just managed to say morning before drifting back asleep. I sneaked out of the bed to take a shower, hoping it would clear the hangover.

30 mintues later

I walked back in my bedroom and to my surprise Emily was up and dressed. *babe im really hungover* i walked across to Emily and kissed her softly i hated seeing my girl ill even if it was self in flicked. *i know lets go mc Donald's, normal works* she nodded in argument and we got ready and drove to MC Donald's it was only 5 minutes away from my house. We decided to go inside as there was not many people in i dont think my head could of dealed with loads of screaming fans this morning, so i was hapy it was quiet. I ordered the food and took it across to Emily who was sitting in the corner.

I sat down and started to eat my breakfast wrap, i looked across to the old man who was reading a paper, and i noticed my picture. What i thought to myself i scanned the paper, there was a huge picture of me the header read *Im pregnant with josh cuthbert baby* what no i thought to myself who could this be it must be a mistake, someone is stitching me up but i did not want Emily to see this i quickly finished my food. *Come on emily lets go back i need my bed im really hungover* i had to lie so that emily would hurry up i needed get her back in the house so she would not read the paper or no one would approach me and ask me about the story. I maneged get Emily finish her breakfast and i rushed back to the house.

Emily had decied to go get in the shower, i ran to the kitchen and tipped all the milk away i needed a excuses to go to the shop, so i could get the paper and read the story. I shouted up to tell Emily i was going the shop i dont think she heard but i left anyway and drove to the nearest shop and grabbed a bottle of milk and the paper.

i started to read the story in the paper. * i am pregnant with Josh's baby he does not know as it was a one night stand in magaluf , and josh never contacted me again.* tears started streaming down my face it was obviously Aisha, i did not have to read her name i knew who it was. I cannot believe she sold our story. I know emilys going to find out and we will end up breaking up, how can this news come out now after everything that happened last night i was so happy and now everything is ruined. I cannot even think about me been a dad for all i know Aisha i lieing and its not even my baby, she might not even be pregnant i am going have to contact her, but first i need to calm down as im so angry why couldn't she just contact our management and tell me that way i did not want find out my reading a newspaper.

My phone started to light up i panicked thinking it was Emily, i grabbed my phone JJ face pooped up

*Josh, have u seen what all over the papers*

my heart sunk people are reading it oready *Yeah i have JJ, i dont know what to do* i sobbed down the phone.

*mate come around, every ones still asleep i talk to you face to face*

JJ was right i needed to talk to someone i just new this was going to ruin my life. I just hope it doesn't affect the boys and there career i hope our fan base are understanding and still support us and dont leave because im a mess and cheated on my girlfriend *im on my way JJ* as soon as i ended the phone call i turned my phone off i couldn't face talking to anyone else i just needed to talk to one of the boys.

Aisha Pov

I sold the story to the sun i did feel bad for Josh but i have tryed so hard to contact him since we slept together. I have heard nothing back, i have emailed his management and even tryed to find his number but it was impossible. This was the only way, i couldn't just drive London and go find him with his band been famous, everything was kept hidden like his address and where they were.

I am such a mess, ever since me and josh slept together i haven't been able to sort my head out i have fallen for josh. I found out i was pregnant last week, i have thought about having an abortion but i am totally against it and i don't want to kill my baby. I would love for josh to be part of the baby's life but i am not getting my hopes up after all i was just a one night stand. I am now living back in Manchester, i live on my own and the only people that knew about the baby were my parents until the paper realised the story now im guessing the whole world noes. I just sat holding my phone hoping that Josh would contact me i needed to see him .

George Pov

I was woke up by Chloe singing to herself, she was obviously getting ready to go and see Aaron, my head was spinning, i turned around and Jess wasn't still in the bed. I managed to pull my self up to go and get a tablet for the headache. *morning George* Chloe sang to me as i walked down the hallway towards the stairs *How can you be so happy this time in the morning* *Im just so excited George to go and see Aaron, sorry if i woke u up* Emily had woke me up but i didn't want make her feel bad so i just gave her a half smile and carried on walking down the hallway.

I got a tablet and walked across to Jess who was on the sofa, all snuggled up in a duvet she looked so tired. *morning babe* i got under the duvet and started to cuddle Jess. I flicked on twitter, and the interactions shocked me there were loads of tweets *Is it true?Josh* Is what true i thought to myself i did not bother to tweet i needed to find out what Josh has been accused as. Just as i clicked off twitter Chloe ran down the stairs, he face looked so shocked.

*What is is Chloe*

*ive just been on twitter and Ive had loads of people asking if it is true about Josh, i was confused and one tweet confused me *Hey Chloe i know your with the boys because of the photos tell josh contact me Aisha*. No i thought to myself that is the girl that Josh slept with while we were on holiday it was only me and him who knew her name.

*Do you know what hes been accused of though Chloe*

*Yes, she said neverously and chucked me her phone*

I looked down at the phone, and it shocked me what i read. No i thought to myself, she can't be pregnant i need to talk to Josh he must be feeling terrible what a way to find out your going to be a dad.

I quickly dropped Chloe phone and grabbed mine to call Josh but it went straight to answerphone i panicked so much, i need to know if he is ok he might not even know yet if hes still in bed. Chloe got her phone and walked back upstairs it was obvious she did not know what to do or say.

Jess began to cry, and dropped her phone she was reading the article. *I feel so bad, i knew i should not of lied for him* Jess was said in between sobs. *it going to be ok babe, your not to blame everything will work out*. *George Emily will never forgive me, she is obviously going to find out about it now and i kept it from her im going to loose my best friend for covering for josh i feel so guilty* i pulled Jess into my chest *come on babe, don't cry everything will be ok i promise, don't upset yourself* I was trying to reassure Jess but deep down i was feeling the same guilty for covering for Josh, this is going to break Emily's heart. i just need to find josh and speak to him. I pulled Jess away *Babe i really need to go and see Josh, im really sorry for leaving you like this but i need to make sure he is ok*. *i know George go and find him, ring me as soon as you have i will be fine, josh needs you so go* I kissed Jess softly and headed for the door grabbing my car keys and my jacket and headed for Josh's house hoping he was at home, as i can't contact him with his phone been switched off.

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