chapter 7

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JJ pov

we walked of the cruise well i stumbled of the cruise with having allot of shots within a short space of time, Hayley walked of the opposite way with this really tall guy who she had been with most of the cruise. Stephanie had also disappeared with a bunch of guys but text saying she will see us all at jaymis party. so it was just me, the boys , Olivia and Chloe.

I had no idea what was up with Josh he just did not seem to join in any of the conversations he just kept quiet and kept turning around as if he was searching for someone. i did not want to ask him what was up around everyone i thought to myself maybe hes just missing Emily and with him been drunk its getting to him alittle bit. We all walked back upto the hotel and sat around the bar. we all had a few drinks and then went to our separate rooms to get ready for the party.

The Big Party

Georges pov

we walked into the bar and decided to blindfold Jaymi for a laugh, we lead jaymi to the entrance and a topless waiter pulled of his blindfold, Jaymi looked so shocked he was just expecting to go into a normal nightclub. The club was covered in stag doo balloon's, topless waiters, loads of shot games and josh has hired a couple of strippers for later in the night, we all just wanted to make sure Jaymi had a stag doo to remember. Jaymi stumbled into the bar surprised and instantly got feed alot of drinks by everyone. me and all the boys stood in a circle *heres to a stag night to remember and to Jaymi and Olly* josh shouted whilst we all hit our glasses together.

we all went on the dance floor and started to dance around with each other, Jaymi decided to let in lots of group of stag and hen nights as he wanted a massive party. Me and JJ decided to step outside as it was too hot inside with there been too many people on a little dance floor, we both started talking to these 2 amazing girls who explained they were with a bunch of girls but they have lost them in the night so they decided to go on alone. One of the girls america learned into me and i caught her as she was about to fall, i could tell she just had to much too drinks she could not stand up straight. i helped her to stand up and sat her against the wall and Amy her friend told us to go in and carry on and she would help her friend out and get her home safe. Me and JJ knew they would be ok as Amy still looked sober, so we both went back inside to the party.

Josh pov

i was dancing around on the dance floor trying to teach one of the boys how to do gagnam style and i bumped into a gir, i turned to say sorry and i realised it was Aisha , wow i thought to myself she looked amazing in her crop top and hot pant shorts and her hair down.

Sorry Aisha good to see you again where did you go?

erm i just had to go josh i , i , i wasn't feeling well? Aisha seemed to be getting Little flustered

want step outside Aisha you look really hot

yeah sure

i grabbed hold of Aisha hand and she instantly inter winded her fingers into mine we walked out the nightclub, and walked around the corner where there were no people.

Josh i dont think i can do this i,i just carnt

do what Aisha im just standing with you

ok i really like you josh, i did from the moment i saw you on the cruise and that game drove me crazy, that's why i disappeared i just could not face you, i did not now you were here tonight otherwise i would not of come.

Aisha looked down and would not looked at me, i lifted up her head with my finger and slowly leaned in to his her, Aisha joined to meet me, we stood kissing personality for a few mintues before breaking off by smiling to each other. I dont know what attracted to Aisha but there was something. We kissed again and we both decided to go back to my hotel room, so we walked back to the hotel using the backstreets as Aisha said it was quicker.

Georges pov

i searched and searched the nightclub for josh who was no where to be found i was really beginning to worry, i asked the boys and the last they saw of him he was on the dance floor with a guy called Matt. So i went looking for Matt, i finally found him slouched up a corner really drunk, *Matt you seen where josh went?* *yeah he went of with that girl outside hours ago i haven't seen him since tho sorry mate im sure he is ok* what i thought to myself Josh was really drunk i just hope he hasn't gone back to the hotel with this girl, i really don't want him to cheat on Emily. i paniced and rushed out the nightclub and looked everywhere, i have to go check the hotel i thought to myself. I went back in and told the boys i was heading back to the hotel i don't think jaymi noticed i even tryed to say bye he was that drunk, JJ said bye and fell into me giving me a half drunken hug and danced back off. I walked up to the hotel still really worried where josh was, i had completely sobered up because of the panic and stress. I got up to the room and saw all the lights on which meant josh was back as the key was needed to turn the lights on. Now what do i do i thought to myself if he had took a girl back i did not want to walk into them sleeping together. I stood outside and just waited to hear a noise and i decided that if i did not hear anything within 5 minutes i would go in the room.

i finally heard josh after a few minutes * im really sorry babe you are going have to go one of the boys will be back soon and i dont want them find you with me, give me your number and i will ring you later and meet up with you tomorrow" No i thought to myself Josh had obviously cheated on Emily i was so unhappy as Emily and josh are doing great there in love and its going to break Emily's heart if she finds out josh must be really drunk to do this to emily. I sneaked around the corner expecting the girl to come out the hotel room. Within a minute this girl walked out the door still fasting her hot pant short, and putting her hair into place. I waiting until the girl had got to the other side of the hotel and went straight to the room.

"JOSH what have you done" i said to josh who was sitting at the end of the bed, just in his boxer shorts.

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