Chapter 27

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Jodys Pov

I arrived back at the flat after spending the day at my sisters house, i decided i was going to tell JJ i Kissed Harry as i felt really guilty it was only a drunken kiss so i hope that JJ can forgive me. i was shocked to see the flat empty i quickly ran into the living room and put my phone on charge it has been flat since the one direction concert because of taking loads of photos.

once my phone finally switched on i saw that i had 8missed calls from JJ and loads of texts, I opened the first text *Jody i carnt get in touch with you im at the police cells waiting for Jaymi* What i thought to myself i quickly clicked the phone button i needed t know what has happened i hope everyone is ok. i Was shocked when JJ put the phone down on me, but within a few minutes i heard The front door open.

JJ told me everything and i could see he was stressed, i was happy to hear that Jaymi had saved Emily and she didn't get rapped i was going to ring Emily later but first i have to tell JJ about the kiss with Harry i started to panic this could be my relationship over.

*JJ we have to talk*

*what is it babe* He looked really shocked

*Im really sorry*

*What have you done Jody tell me now *

*I , kissed harry im really sorry i couldn't remember i was really drunk* i began to cry as i could see the anger in JJs face he just sat silent i wish he would have ago or walk of not just sit silent.

*I'm really sorry jj it meant nothing*

*I knew it Jody, why do this to me *

*I couldn't remember JJ im sorry i was really drunk*

*stop saying sorry, ive had to much stress over the past 24 hours and i don't need this *

*Im really sorry JJ, i felt guilty and i had to tell you*

*I Need time to think Jody , but i hate the fact your cheated on me i dont think i can forgive you*

*fine im going JJ, im really sorry but Atleast i didn't sleep with someone like Josh but that was ok for him i had to forget about that, I'm sorry and Hope you can forgive me i don't want this to be the end of us*

I got up and walked to the bedroom, i knew i should not of mentioned Josh but it was true i did have to forgive Josh and he had slept with someone and JJ thought that was ok because he was drunk. I sat on the bed and i heard the front door slam i did want to go and follow JJ and sort everything out but he said he needed space so that is what i would give him, i just hope he can forgive me.

Day of court

Jodys Pov

Ive only heard of JJ via messages he said he wanted to take a break until after court as he was focusing on Jaymi. which i understood i was really worried about Jaymi and Emily, i hope that everything goes ok. I didn't go to court to support them as i didn't want to argue with JJ in front of everyone i still hope we can sort everything out i really want JJ back i miss him.

Jaymi Pov

I tossed and turned all night looking at the alarm clock waiting for 9am when i had to stand up in court, i hope the judges realise the truth and i don't go to prison i couldn't cope without speaking to Olly ever day, and if i get sent prison we will have to cancel our wedding which is next month. I got snapped out of my thoughts as the alarm clock began to beep i stretched over Olly to turn it off hoping it wouldn't wake him, until i cooked the breakfast this could be the last time i see him properly in months, but The alarm clock must of woke olly up as he turned around in bed.   After a few minutes of cuddling with Olly i decided to take a hot shower and try and calm my nerves.

1 hour later

The taxi pulled up to courts and Olly grabbed hold of my hand as we made the way through loads of paps, the story got out i was in court and all the gigs for the next 2 weeks were canceled, as management decided even if i didn't go prison i would need a break before singing again. i finally made it through to the main entrance after going throughout scanners to ensure that i wasn't carrying any weapons. Me and Olly sat in a small room with my solicitor i really wanted to go and see if Emily was ok but wasn't allowed out of the solicitors room.

We have to go to room 104 now Jaymi the judges are ready, remember to keep calm , no matter what the defendant does. I will question the defendant before you then you have to give evidence , the solicitor gave me a smile and gesture for me to follow i quickly kissed Olly, and gave him a hug, i knew he would be in the room.

I entered the court room and saw George, JJ, Josh and lots of my family on my left. I saw Emily standing with her solicitor to my right, and across the room my eyes locked with the arrogant man that got me in this suituation, he had a massive grin on his face, i remembered my socilisters adivce to look calm so i looked away and gave a faint smile to Emily, she looked so nervous she just kept her head down.

All Rise for the Judge

After giving my evidence i felt relived to get it out of the way but my whole body was still shaking i pleaded not guilty. emily had gave her evidence and tears streamed down her face as the judge showed CCTV and you could see how she was struggling against his hold it was horrible to watch, the CCTV also showed me hitting Mark therefore my confidence of the case been dropped, lessened as it was on camera i just hope the judge understands it was to defend my friend.

The judge entered the room to give sentencing i was convinced i was going to prison for a few months p, exspecilly now it was on camera i began to shake and a tear formed in my eyes i was so nervous.

Jaymi Hensley - i give you. A 3month suspended sentence. I was so happy i gave Olly a massive smile , this meant i Get to go home and i can still get married next month and i don't have to face prison after my sentencing i was waiting to hear what Mark was going to get, i hoped the scum gets sent down.

Mark hill - After reviewing the case and with your past record i sentence you too a 6months prison sentence, you can contest to bail in 3 months time.

I Saw a massive smile come across Emily's face, within a few minutes we left the court room i ran straight to Emily and hugged her. Everyone Joined in and it was a massive group hug it was the best result we could get. I knew i had a suspended sentence but i wasn't going to get into anymore trouble as the thought of prison terrified me. Everyone was in a really good mood we made our way though the paps i didn't answer any questions, and we all decided to go back to mine and Ollys to celebrate.

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