Chapter 30

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day 5 of the break to cornwall

Ollys Pov

I woke up hearing whispers coming to the room next to mine and Jaymis, i slowly turned trying not to wake up Jaymi who looked peacefully asleep, i looked at my watch it was only 5am. aghh i thought to myself why is someone awake this early. i lay back down to carry on sleeping but i instantly needed the toilet a disadvantage to camping the toilet are ages away from the tent. I slowly crept across the airbed and managed to get out the room without waking Jaymi up, i slipped on my onesie.

*Boo* someone whispered i jumped a mile, i slowly turned to see Josh's head popping out the zip of his room *Josh you frightened me, what are you doing awake* *No reason* Josh said with a sneaky look on his face i decided to leave it and make my way out of the tent to the toilet.

When i got back from the toilet i noticed that Josh wasn't in the tent what was he up to i thought to myself. I was wide awake after walking to the toilet block and back so i decided to stay awake and go on twitter for a while on my iPad, i used Josh's room to make sure that i didn't wake anyone up.

2hours later

I heard Josh whispering as he came back in the tent everyone was still asleep, this was time for payback for making me jump early so i switched of my iPad and lay still on top of Josh's airbed under the sleeping bag. He crept in the room and lay next to me i quickly jumped up and shouted Boo not caring if i woke anyone up it was now 7oclock, Josh fell backwards tumbling of the airbed and hitting his head on the zip, he looked like he saw a goast i burst out laughing as Josh lay flat. Within A few minutes Emily was standing outside the room, laughing her head of whist Josh went bright red.

After about 10minutes everyone was awake to see where the laughing come from, it was only me , josh and emily who were awake and dressed so we decided to make a trip to McDonalds to get everyone breakfast.

*Josh who were you with last night*

Josh carried on driving and blushed alittle before he spoke *Amy*

I wasnt expecting him to say Amy they were getting on but i didnt think they were spending time together alone.

*whats going on with you two* i teased josh as he was getting flustered

*erm im not to sure but i like her Olly, and we kissed last night, but dont tell the others*

I was about to answer but we were at the speaker to Mc Donald's drive through, Josh ordered the massive order for everyones breakfast and we made our way back to the campsite i hope that everyone up and dressed we were going to the world of miniature today.

JJs pov

we have been walking around the world of miniature taking loads of pictures, after about 10minutes i got bored and just wanted to get to the end where there is a few different rides, i could not wait to see everyones face on the bat flyer which is a big roller coaster but i carriend on and tried to pay attention .

I grabbed hold of Emily's hand and started skipping down the path heading towards the screams, i noticed that emily has been really quiet since she got back from McDonalds and seems to have distanced herself from the group, so i skipped us away from everyone else and headed towards the dinosaurs part and sat down on a bench.

*Emily you ok*

*yeah im ok* but i could tell my Emily's voice she was lying about something

*come on emily you can tell me*

*i just want go home JJ, and speak to masie and shes not answering the phone*

I pulled Emily into my body giving her a sideways hug, there has to be a reason why she wants to go home all of a sudden she didn't want to leave yesterday something must have happened in the night.

*Emily whats up, you can tell me i wont tell anybody*

*you carnt say nothing but josh and Amy are getting close they even kissed* i was slightly confused, why was emily bothered she ended hers and Joshs relationship it was obvious josh was going to move on but i had no idea Amy and Josh got close.

*JJ, i miss him loads* i saw Emil start tearing up, it became obvious she was getting jealous of josh and amy

*Emily, do you want josh back*

She nodded her head and buried it into my T-shirt as i heard her sniffling it was obvious she was crying

*Emily you need to speak to Josh*

*but he wants to be just friends i Should of never ended it i love him JJ* i felt abit helpless i was not use to girls talking to me about love but it was obvious that Emilys trusted me, i slowly rubbed her back and whispered into her ear

*talk to him Emily, i know he still loves you*

Emily was about to answer as we heard josh shouting me, Emily quickly moved her head and wiped her tears *JJ please don't tell anyone* *i wont emily i promise but speak to him* Emily nodded her head and jumped up and we both carried on skipping alone the path pretending that nothing happened.

somaria pov

We spent ages at the few rides at the end of the world of miniature it was loads of fun especially the bat flyer. by time everyone met back up at the little cafe it was 4pm and i was knackered because of walking around most of the day, so everyone decided to head back to the campsite to rest for abit because we were all going out for a meal tonight and a walk across the beach.

JJ,Josh,Emily and Jess all walked off down the bank , i had no idea of where they were going i turned around to face Chloe who was lying across Aaron, *where they going* *something about the ponies by the lake* I made a *oooo* noise and turned back around and fell asleep.

Jodys Pov

We walked around the lake and it was picturess , the sun was beaming of the water and small children were feeding the ducks it was so peaceful. Until JJ started jumping around pointing across the lake *JODY we can ride the horses look* i looked across the lake and there was a sign advertising horse rinding lessons i giggled slightly at JJ who had a massive smile on his face he did miss spending time with his horse, me and him would visit his horses every time he was back from a tour.

We got to the horses within minutes JJ practically ran there, *awww look Jody he looks just like my horse* JJ said whilst stroking a horse, within a few minutes a women came across to us,

*hello, would you like to have a lesson, we are quiet so you can have ago today* i smiled and JJ came from behind me and the horse and the women stood still with a massive smile on her face it was obvous that she recognised JJ.

*Yes please i miss my horse loads*

*sorry to be rude are you JJ from Union J*

*yep hello* JJ said with a huge smile on his face he still loved been recognised

*my daughters a huge fan, so do you want a go on the horses but i know you don't need lessons JJ*

*Id love too, is your daughter here, i could meet her Josh is here to*

*Poppy* the women screamed across the yard and a young girl around 8came and nearly collapsed when she saw JJ, she made her way over and JJ and Josh took lots of pictures with the girl and signed a few things for her. By time the boys were finished signing stuff the horses had there saddles on and were ready to be rode. Me and JJ decided to go on the horses but Josh and Emily decided to go on the peddle boats on the lake while they waited. JJ went stright across the feild within seconds on his horse, and i was struggling so the women was teaching me what to do while the younger girl was hanging over the fence watching JJ and taking loads of pictures.

Joshs Pov

Me and Emily decided to get on the peddle boat, i was so happy that we were friends again. We peddle around and purposely peddled so Emily would go under the fountain getting her soaked *josh I'm going kill you* we both laughed and carried on peddling around the isle looking at the ducklings.

*Josh can i speak to you* im heart sunk what did Emily want to speak to me about.

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