chapter 28

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JJ Pov

Everyone was going back to Ollys but i decided to go home first as i wanted to sort everything out with Jody. I hated arguing and not speaking to my girlfriend, i arrived back to the flat to find Jody watching love film.

*Hey JJ, what happened?? *

* Jaymi, has got a 3 month suspended sentence, and Mark got sent prison 6months*

*Thats good I'm so happy for him *

I could feel the tension between us both so i decided to talk about us, to solve everything so we could go back to Jaymi's and party.

*babe about us* i sat down next to Jody on the sofa as she looked up, but she didnt say anything.

*i hate the fact you kissed harry *

jody butted in before i could find my sentence * Im sorry JJ, it didnt mean anything *

*i know and thats why i understand you were drunk and hes your idiol i know how you fangirls are i chuckled alittle i know that many fans try to kiss me when they see me. *

*so can we get back together JJ i hate arguing*

*if you promise not to go kissing our idols again or anyone else *

*I Promise *

I slowly leaned into jody and kissed her lips, before jumping up i really want to go join in the massive party at Jaymis house. I held out my hand and Jody grabbed it.

*where we going JJ *

*Back to Jaymis hes having party everyones there * i smiled at Jody as we both walked to the Jodys car.

Georges Pov

Everyone was in the living room Josh and Jaymi were on fifa and the girls were doing someone online shopping. I was clicking through thumblr and saw a photo of a loveley beach and i had an amazing idea.

*hey what do you all think about taking a break somewhere near the beach *

Jess *Id love it George but havent you and the boys got a gig tomorrow *

Jaymi *No, we have 2 weeks off now to allow the paps to calm down and to have a break*

Josh *we should all go somewhere for a week, this is an amazing idea*

Olly *Yes we should, but where *

I quickly spoke *How about cornwall, i havent been in ages*

yes everyone shouted and everyone got excited we have never been on holiday as a big group

Jess *Wait George, you are suppose be meeting ,Natalie on wednesday*

I slowly pouted i really wanted to go away but i havent seen my bestfriend in weeks and i missed her.

*Hey do you mind if Natalie comes *

Josh - *No we love Natalie havent seen her in a few weeks, the more the merrier im really excited now im going look for places to stop * josh quickly picked up him ipad and went on a misision to somewhere for us all to stop. I grabbed my phone and walked out the room to see if Natalie could come away with us i hope she can i miss my bestfriend. Natalie picked up after a few rings

*hey George*

*Hey Natalie im wondering if you want to come away for a week with everyone, to cormall*

*Thats random georgy but when *

*Tomorrow and for 1 week *

I heard a sign down the phone

*I carnt geogre my friend Amy has come to visit me for two weeks*

*She can come too,pleasee everyone misses you *

*Wait a second george i will go see what Amy says*

I sat waiting for Natalie come back on the phone i know everyone wont mind if Natalie brings Amy , the more people the better the holiday will be i really cannot wait i love going to cormall exspecilly n the summer.

*We would love to come George*

*yay we are going on holiday i wll text you details once its booked get packing.*

*Byeee *

The phone went dead i went runing into the living room where everyone was crowed around the laptop.

*yay Natalie is coming but shes bringing her friend Amy im so excited *

Josh *So thats 14 people coming this is going to be amazing*

14 i was really cnfused i thught 9people were coming, Jess must of seen the confusion in my face, *somaria, zayn , Emily chole and aaron are coming to * she spoke and the smile On my face grew it was going be amazing all of us on a mini holiday i have the best ideas.

1hour later

After searching through loads of sites, there were no hotels left with room and we were gutted but Josh found a camp site that was right next to cormall central beach, it was ideal and the girls were not happy about camping but the campsite looked amazing there was a huge swimming pool and lots of other facilities. Its booked Josh shouted so everyone could hear, we were leaving at 6am as it was a long car journey.

jess pov

I was really excited togo away we all needed a break after the stress of today but i just wish it wasnt at camping. Suddenly realised that we didnt even have a tent and we were going first thing in the morning.

*Boys, i think we have a issue we dont have a tent*

Everyone burst out laughing i looked at the clock and it was 2pm, which meant shops will still be open i clicked of the clothes websites me and Jody were looking at and went on go outdoors, there were loads of tents i pre ordered a 10birth tent the biggest they sold and a 6birth tent to make sure that everyone would fit.

*josh do you want go pick up the tents from go outdoors at London retail park*

Within a few minutes George and Josh left to go pick up the tents, i new they wouldn't be back for ages as there are loads of fans in London. So me and Jody decided to go shopping as we had no stuff to go camping.

Me and Jody walked into topshop/ top man we got every girl a matching onesie and the boys matching onesies, as i bet it was going to be cold at night even though it was summer, Jody also picked up lots of hats, and got herself a new pain of jeans. We made our way to the till and it came up to £1,500 woops i Thought maybe buying everyone a onesie that cost 100 pound each wasn't such a good idea. I passed over the card to pay , it was unbelievable the advantages of your boyfriend been in a international famous boy bands every clothes shop wanted them to shop there.

After top shop me and Jody got lots of new stuff including bikinis, shorts and shoes. We had picked up Natalie and Amy as we had to set out at 6am to travel down to Cornwall. amy seemed really nice she was such a funny girl, i could see her becoming close friends with us all. amy was shocked when she realised we could afford random holidays as Natalie friends were Union J.

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