Chapter 14

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1 Month Later

Chole Pov

I am so excited union j, are doing a gig in my home town, josh as sent us all vip tickets (me, Hayley,Olivia and Stephanie) to go and see them live and after we are going back with them in the tour bus and spending the weekend with the boys and stopping at Georges. I still cannot believe there in a boyband they did not tell us when we were on holiday we only found out when we saw them on the music channels it was such a shock.

Me and the girls got all our stuff packed and called for a taxi to take us to the arena, Josh has asked us go early and meet Sophie there tour manager who is excepting us as shes going to put all our stuff on the tour bus and take us to a back room untill the concert, i was excited to see them live but i was more looking forward to seeing the boys ive missed them and its only been 4weeks since we got home.

JJ pov

we were on the tour bus traveling to the next concert, after tonight we get the weekend off and we have a huge party planned for Sunday, which is going to be made more special as the girls from the stag doo are coming back with us i really miss the girls i speak to them all every week via skype and phone calls. Me and Hayley are really close friends, i just wish they lived closer to London then id get to see them more, and this weekend they finally get to meet our girlfriends in person i just hope they all get on.

Jody Pov

I was so excited to meet all the girls this weekend, and i am also so happy to see JJ for the weekend i miss him loads when he is touring as i only get to see him once a month if im lucky unless i get time to go to one of there concerts.

Me and somaira, we packing her stuff up as my best mate has slowly brought so much stuff around my house over the past month she has practically lived with me as she didnt want me to be alone for a whole month every night. Somaira looked down at her phone and screamed.

*Jody i have the best news ive got us both one direction tickets for next month. *

*What? how i didn't know you were trying get us ticket i said jumping around.*

*Yes i was looking for your birthday, and ive just got the confirmation back that i got us both a ticket, for the o2 on the 22nd. *

*OMG this is the best present ever Somaira*

Jaymi Pov

we pulled up outside the arena, me and the boys were in a hypo mood because we drank so much coffee on the way, to wake ourselves up as we wanted to give the best performance. we walked into the vip room and we were soon greeted by the Girls. Hayley ran straight to JJ who gave her a bear hug and they both started crying,it was so funny to watch it was like long lost friends finally meeting up anyone would think it has been years not a month since we last saw the girls. Olivia , Chloe and Stephanie all ran to George and Josh and had a massive group hug which i joined in. Once JJ and Hayley wiped there eyes they soon joined in and it turned into a massive group hug.

Boys im really sorry but you are going on stage in 10 mintutes we need set the mics up, your going have to come with me - this really tall man shouted int he room.

have fun girls see you after the performance this weekend is going to be amazing i shouted before leaving the room.

Stephanie pov

Me and the girls, walked to the vip box it had a few young girls in who must of noticed us from the pictures the boys uploaded from the stag doo as they asked us for pictures. It was really strange, one girl passed us a book, and begged me to give it too one of the boys if i go and see them after. I put the book on the seat and promised the girl who began screaming as the boys entered the arena, they literally jumped through the bottom of the stage it looked amazing the affect and all the lights. They began to sing and the whole arena was going crazy they are really good i shouted across to Chloe.

The concert lasted for about a hour and half. Once it finished i picked up the book the girl had give me as i promised and took it back stage with me, the bouncers had to help me and girls out as loads of there fans were trying to get through the doors with us, it was manic they really are massive i just didn't realise how big they are until tonight.

We walked around until we found the boys, and congratulated them on such an amazing performance. I gave George the book from the girl.

*Wow stephanie i didnt think you were such a fan to make me a book* george said giggling to himself

*Funny George i am a fan but that's of a lovely girl who we just met in the vip section, that must of took her ages*

* i know i love our fans we get stuff like this all the time*

*well George i promised her that you would read it, so on the bus im going make you read it and tweet her, otherwise i will look bad*

*i would of read it anyway, but i will tweet her now for you*

I looked at the boys twitter to make sure George tweeted the girl as she was so lovely and this book amazed me it was pages long and everything was hand written and the pictures were all hand drawn it must of seriously took her weeks to complete its amazing what fan girls will do. I was so happy we got to know the boys on holiday and not just because there famous but because there such lovely lads and down to earth. George had tweeted *@jcatforever Stephanie has gave me our fan book it is amazing, thank you for your support - George*

Come on now you lot onto the bus i want to go See Emily, not sit in a vip room all night- Josh said in a serious voice. We all got on the tour bus which was huge, and so fancy it had bed and everything and obviously a coffee machine for George it was going to take around 5 hours to travel back to London.

1 hour later

Chole Pov

everyone was asleep other than me and George. We were so bored so George decided to do a follow spree, i sat and watched his phone go crazy with mentions but there twitter now has over 1.5M followers and everyone wanted to get noticed. After 10 minutes George put the phone down my hand hurts he complained to me holding his hand up. You want coffee he said whilst getting up, Sure You want me carry on for a minute for you. If you want Chloe that would be amazing. I tweeted *George is making coffee im going carry on the follow spree for him @chole90* I followed loads of people there were literally hundreds of mentions with my name on begging me to follow them, it made me laugh because i literally beg One Direction to follow me all the time so i know how all the fans feel right now that's why i had to keep following them.

George came back with 2 streaming coffees, wow how fast can u follow people he joked around. George its one button it only takes 2 seconds, next thing i know i was put on follow limit. Why do twitter have such stupid rules george joked around. *Sorry Jcats Chloe has followed that many of you, the accounts been put on follow limit, will try follow more later who hash tag GeorgeandCholeUJFollowSpree*. Me and George slumped back and drank our coffees and spoke about how much we missed each other over the last month.

I grabbed out my phone and took a picture of everyone sleeping as i thought it be funny, to put them all on twitter, as i know once it goes on the boys wouldnt be able to do anything as the fans would save it within a few seconds. Me and George also took a few silly photos and he uploaded them to the Union J twitter.

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