"Long story. I lost my hand Christmas Day, in a swordfight. Jules lost her foot.", The Doctor explains.

"What? And you grew another hand and you grew another foot?", Anastasia turns to Juliet.

"Er, yeah, yeah, I did.", Juliet confirms.

"Yeah. Hello.", The Doctor waves at Martha, who shudders lightly at his action.

"Might I ask, what species are you two?", Yana asks, suddenly.

"Time Lord, last of. Heard of them?"

"Legend or anything? Not even a myth? Blimey, end of the universe is a bit humbling.", The Doctor sighs after receiving no response.

"Chan it is said that I am the last of my species too tho.", Chanthro suddenly pipes up.

"Sorry, what was your name?"

"My assistant and good friend, Chantho. A survivor of the Malmooth. This was their planet, Malcassairo, before we took refuge.", Yana introduces her.

"The city outside, that was yours?", Juliet asks with knitted brows.

"Chan the conglomeration died tho."

"Conglomeration. That's what I said."

"You're supposed to say sorry.", Thea reminds the Doctor.

"Oh, yes. Sorry."

"Sorry about him. And I'm so sorry for your losses.", Juliet pushes in front of him to address Chanthro.

"Chan most grateful tho."

"You grew another hand? And you grew another foot?", Martha suddenly cries, still in shock.

"Hello, again. It's fine. Look, really, it's us."

"All this time and you're still full of surprises.", Martha shakes her head at them both.

"Chan you are most unusual tho.", Chanthro comments, sounding amused.


"So what about those things outside? The Beastie Boys. What are they?", Jack asks.

"We call them the Futurekind, which is a myth in itself, but it's feared they are what we will become, unless we reach Utopia."

"And Utopia is?", Thea trails off, allowing for Yana to finish he through.

"Oh, every human knows of Utopia. Where have you been?"

"Bit of a hermit.", Juliet shrugs.

"A hermit with friends?"

"Hermits United. We meet up every ten years and swap stories about caves. It's good fun, for a hermit. So, er, Utopia?", She asks again.

Yana shows them a display on the gravitational field navigation system.

"The call came from across the stars, over and over again. Come to Utopia. Originating from that point."

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