"I bring life.", The Doctor remembers her saying.

Jack remembers his first coming back to life.

"Everything she did was so human. She brought you back to life but she couldn't control it. She brought you back forever. That's something, I suppose. The final act of the Time War was life.", The Doctor shrugs.
The words echo in Yana's head.

"Time war, time war."

"Do you think she could change me back?", Jack asks, hopefully.

"Jules took the power out of her.", The Doctor shakes his head.
"She's gone, Jack. She's not just living on a parallel world, she's trapped there. The walls have closed."

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah.", The Doctor nods.

"How's Jules?"

"She's...coping.", He answers, trying to find the right word.

"I went back to her estate, in the nineties, just once or twice. Watched her growing up. Never said hello. Timelines and all that."

"Do you want to die?", The Doctor asks him, suddenly.

"Oh, this one's a little stuck."


"I thought I did. I don't know. But this lot. You see them out here surviving, and that's fantastic.", Jackie replies, unsure of his feelings.

"You might be out there, somewhere."

"I could go meet myself.", He grins.

"Well, the only man you're ever going to be happy with.", The Doctor jokes.

"This new regeneration, it's kind of cheeky."

"Hmm.", The Doctor hums in agreement.
"Regeneration. Regeneration.", The words continually echo on Yana's head.

"I never understand half the things he says. What's wrong?"

"Chan Professor, what is it tho?", Chanthro asks, also.

"Time travel. They say there was time travel back in the old days. I never believed. But what would I know? Stupid old man. Never could keep time. Always late, always lost. Even this thing never worked.", He pulls out an ornately inscribed fob watch.

"Martha, these watches are us. We're going to become human.", The memory stickers Martha hard, upon seeing the watch.

"Time and time and time again. Always running out on me."

"Can I have a look at that?", Thea asks, kindly.

"Oh, it's only an old relic. Like me."

"Where did you get it?", Anastasia asks, her interest piqued as well.

"Hmm? I was found with it."

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