Chapter Thirty Two - November 22, 2019 [✔]

Start from the beginning

Local police escorted him off of the premises.

The police? Seriously? Those guards are huge.

"Finally," I exclaimed, "Line's moving again."

Milo replied, "They arrested him."

"He threatened them."

"Threatened? Seriously?"

Was I wrong? That man was threatening the security guards, putting his hands in their faces, screaming at them, calling them names, and Milo was upset with me? What did I do? Rules were rules. 

Did we see the same event unfold? The security guards were doing their job. The young man didn't have to lose his cool like that. If he would've responded calmly, maybe they could've worked something out.

A young woman turned around and sneered in my direction. "When Hurston said, all skin folk ain't kinfolk, I see what she meant."

Another person chimed in, "How you talk about a brotha like that? You know how the po-po is,"

"A Black man was arrested by the Salsingo police. Right in front of you. Does that mean anything to you?"

"Her ass a oreo forreal."

What was a private conversation between Milo and I transformed into an intense shaming. They berated me as if I was a child who'd broken an expensive vase. I was outnumbered. Their vicious words sprayed vitriol on my face.

Wyatt wasn't here to defend me. His protection and connections went so far.

This is what you wanted.

To stand alone.

I folded my arms over my torso, the wheels of rollerblade dug into my right thigh. Privacy was a privilege. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that people were recording. Waiting for something controversial to leave my mouth. I faced forward. If I ignored them, they would see how irrational they were being and leave me alone.

I stepped underneath the tent. Milo went to a separate line for people without bags. I placed mine on the table. A woman guard told me to hold my arms out to the side and empty my pockets. Luckily, I packed light today.

She picked up a black wand and waved it across me like a T. She told me to turn around and took her time wanding the back of me. I was a head taller than her but it still shouldn't have taken that long. She tied a purple wristband on the strap of my tote bag and called for the next person.

I shuffled into the skatepark with the people in front of me. Wooden ramps, foam pits, neon lights, and music louder than my internal dialogue welcomed me. I lost Milo in the process. I stayed near the entrance so he would see me.

Milo walked through the door, tucking his skateboard under his arm, and pulled me to the side, "Are you okay?"

I would be lying if I said I was. I missed Wyatt. Wyatt would've never left me alone like that. Why didn't Milo have my back? He had put distance between us and stayed quiet. Those strangers could've tried to hurt me. Would he have stepped in if things escalated? Maybe, he thought it wasn't right for him—as a white person—to speak in that conversation.

Milo's a good person.

He wouldn't let anything happen to you.

"A little spooked."

He grabbed my hands, "You're shaking. I didn't realize how scary that was for you. Do you want to talk about it?" He led me to a quiet spot by a wall of dark blue lockers. His skateboard dropped to the floor.

"I always say the wrong thing. Those huge guards didn't need to involve the police. Honestly, that's what I think but it didn't come off like that."

"Yeah, the police was unnecessary," he dragged his thumbs across my knuckles until my hands stopped shaking, "I hope this didn't ruin our date."

Were these cornrows cutting off the circulation in my brain? Did he say we were on a date? I must've misheard him.

I went to the front desk and paid for a locker. I put on my rollerblades and chucked my snow boots into the locker. Milo used the leftover space to put his portable charger in there. My years of experience took place in roller rinks, and outside. Wyatt was never interested and that was the sole reason this was my first time at a skatepark. Having fun without limitations lifted a weight off of my chest.

"Here, I'll do it," he took the helmet out of my hands,"You look really cute with the heart on the side. I meant to tell you earlier." he slid it over my head and fastened it. His calloused fingers brushed my jaw. I couldn't look away. All I saw was him.

"Thank you."

Is he flirting with you?

I moved towards a large ramp which fed into a foam pit.

Standing at the top, I pushed off.

I careened towards the pit and free-fell into it. Tucking my face into my chin, and bending my knees, I made contact with the soft foam blocks. Nothing was holding me back. I was free. I needed to do that again.

"Woo," Milo kicked off on his board and pulled me out of the pit. "I took a video. You look unreal!" he showed a clip of me in mid-air like a bird taking flight.

"Crisp quality," I complimented him. He was moving while recording yet the video was still. The clip was crisp like a professional had done it.

I jumped into the pit a few more times and the initial awe wore off. He skated in the bowl, picking up speed and grabbing his board before letting it touch the ground again.

We raced each other.

He dared me to ride on the rails.

"You want me to what!"

"Come on!" he smiled, "I'll catch you."

He stood on the other end of the short horizontal rail with his arms outstretched. I advanced on the rail and hopped. As promised, he caught me. The wheels of my rollerblades were still rolling. I used the brake on the back end of my left foot.

"I'm right here. I've got you," he gave me a little squeeze.

"I am. Never. Doing that again,"

I covered my face. My heart escaped its cage of bones and flesh. I didn't move out of his grasp right away. I looked at his mouth. What would it be like to kiss him?

Milo asked, "What?"

"This is a," I motioned between us, "A date?"

"Yeah," his long brown hair shook as he nodded. "I've been obvious. Maybe not enough." He leaned forward and kissed me. Short and sweet. Like him.

Milo had no idea how happy I was. How long I waited for that moment. I've harbored feelings for him since freaking July. Things were looking up for me.

I knew that if we went on more dates, and decided to be boyfriend-girlfriend, my asexuality would come up. Kissing was fine, but anything more was unnecessary. That conversation would come and I needed to let myself enjoy what was happening now.

"Definitely a date," I laughed.

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