S i x t e e n

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The Davian family had left three days ago. Chase didn't entirely tell me where they were going to - and we hadn't spoken since the day they left. It made me wonder if he had accepted my apology. What I did there three days ago was a bold move- hugging him after that big fight.

I may or may not have spent a whole lot of my time and money on new drugs. I even went as far as buying needles for, you know...

I still think what Chase did by throwing my pills away was pathetic and it didn't help at all. And I understand that I need to stop but I just can't. Not now, when these things are happening. As in the things with my dad.

Today is the day that my mom is bringing dad home. Apparently, cancer was winning even after all of the treatments. To make things worse, my birthday is coming up soon.
You may be thinking 'Why's that a bad thing',
well, ever since Asher died I've not been able to truly enjoy my birthdays. I'm always thinking about Asher and the fact that he's not celebrating his birthday as well.

He's forever sixteen.

And even though my dad tries his best to keep a smile on his face for my sake on my birthdays, my mother is quiet all day , doing nothing but staring at a wall for twenty four hours. I clearly don't matter and won't ever mean as much as Asher did to her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I just got home from school and my parents' house, on a late friday evening. Chase left five days ago and I still hadn't heard from him. I was kind of worried at this point.
Was he in trouble? Or did he maybe just not want to talk to me after our argument?

But on the bright side, today was the last day of school. I've got the whole summer break to figure stuff out.

I decided to take a shower after I had finished eating dinner, I was really sweaty after wearing long and thick jeans on a warm day. I decided on making spaghetti, then hopping in the shower and then binge watch any show or movie that gives summer vibes.

I had gotten my ingredients ready, when I heard a knock on the door, knocking rapidly.
I went to open it, hoping that it wouldn't be any of Chase's enemies, and to my surprise,
it was Chase.

He came in as soon as he fit through the slightly open doorframe. Chase was wearing black jeans, slightly oversized down to his sneakers, and a plain white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"
Chase looks at his clock instead of looking at me.
"You need to come with me," he said.
"What? Why?" I ask quickly.
"Do not ask any questions," he said while eyeing me up and down; "Good thing you're wearing jeans."

He pulled me into an unexpected kiss and then pulled me into 'our' bedroom.
"You have ten minutes to pack your clothing in this luggage." he said and pulled my luggage out from behind the closet.

"What's going on?" I ask; "you're scaring me."
"I said no more questions. You'll find out. Now hurry, pack your stuff." Chase demanded.

I did as Chase told me and packed a few things in the ten minutes I was given.

When I was finished we ran down the stairs of the apartment building and exited it. The dark atmosphere didn't allow me to see many things, but what I did see was a motorcycle right in front of me.

"Hm." Chase thought out loud, he then proceeded to take his leather jacket off and give it to me; "Put this on, babe."

Once I did he gave me the helmet that was hanging from the handle on the motorcycle. "What about you?" I ask, before I actually put the helmet on.
"Don't you worry about me, babe. I'll be fine." he assured me.

I put the helmet on and sat behind Chase. I heard him sighing heavily once I was sat, it was like a sigh of relief.

"Wanna tell me where we are going?" I ask, once I realised that he wasn't starting the engine.
"Ivanov is coming to your home. He thinks that I'm still there. And for your safety, I'm taking you with me." he explained.

"Ivanov is about sixteen miles from here, he should be here in about thirty minutes."

"Well let's go then." I said and tried to sound as brave as possible.

Chase started the engine, and I immediately noticed my heartbeat going faster. I pressed my chest against Chase's back, which probably made him feel my heart.
"Don't be scared, babe. Just hold on to me."

I put my shaky hands on his waist, but I didn't squeeze him tightly, I simply just rested my hands on there. I heard Chase chuckle, as my hands started shaking more against his body.

I don't know what I was scared of, but I was.

"Hold onto me like you do when I'm fucking you."

I was a bit startled by the way he said that, but I eventually took a hint and held onto his waist, tightly. And believe it or not, I actually felt safer.

Chase lifted his feet off of the ground and we started riding.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"You okay, baby?" Chase shouted so that I could hear his voice through the wind.
"Yeah," I replied "I'm actually fine."

I actually didn't think that I would be fine. I thought that I would've asked him to stop by now, but Chase made me feel safe, and that's what I loved about him, the only thing worrying me now was the fact that if we fell, Chase would be badly hurt, since he's not wearing clothes suited for such an occasion as riding a motorcycle.

"The GPS says that we'll arrive in sixteen minutes." he shouted again.
"Okay!" I shouted back, so that he could hear.

And then we continued on.


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