E v e n t u a l l y

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I was upstairs with my nurse. She had a tiny flashlight and she was inspecting my wound. The only time it would kind of hurt was whenever she put a bunch of pressure on it.

"Amaya, I think you're good to go!" She said while putting a new bandage on my stomach.
"You think?" I asked her.
"Yeah! You're doing great, you're all healed."

Finally. I could get out of this boring place. She left the room and so did I.

By the time I came downstairs she was already out the door. Everyone was still there, but they seemed busy. Eleanore was talking on the phone...more like arguing; "Puttana!" She yelled.

Jack and Bryce had their computers on the table and they were discussing something, in a different language.

Victoria had a bunch of papers on top of each other, she would take one, sign it, and put it on the other side of the counter, and then she would repeat.

Chase was washing the dishes, which was extremely weird considering the fact that they had so many maids all around the house.

"How come you're doing the dishes?" I asked.
"Cause I have nothing better to do." Chase replied.
"Not even smoke a cigarette?" I jokingly asked.
"Good idea." He said "I'll be doing just that."

And with that he put the plates aside and was about to leave the room; "Wanna come with me?" Be turned to face me; I nodded and was now following him.

He took me up to the third floor, I was guessing that this is his favourite balcony. When we finally arrived, he sat down and leaned against the railing. And I copied.

He pulled out a cigarette and a lighter, then he handed me one; "Have you ever tried smoking?" Chase asked.
"Of course I have." I said while taking the cigarette.
Chase put the cigarette in his mouth and covered it with his hand while lighting it.

He smoked it once and then leaned towards me ;"Then put it in your mouth." He said.

I did as I was told and then he came even closer, our faces inches apart, making me realise how attractive he really was. He put his veiny hand around the cigarette and used the lighter once more.

I put my two fingers around it and pulled it out of my mouth, blowing the smoke out of my mouth.

After a moment of silence I decided to break it ;"The nurse told me that I was all healed."
"Good." Chase simply said. Was that all he was going to say?

"So, when will I go home?" I tried hinting, so that he would finally get the point and drive me home as soon as possible.

"Eventually." Chase said. What the actual hell?

"Can't you just take me home tomorrow? Or even today if that's possible?" I pleaded. "No." He replied.

"Why not?" I told him, smoking my cigarette once more, felling the smoke go through me, a buzz of pleasure was what I felt.

"I enjoy your company." Chase smiled as he spoke.
"You do?" I was surprised.
"Yeah, wether you believe it or-" Chase was interrupted.

"Chase!" A voice from downstairs yelled.
"Yeah?" He yelled back.

The voice spoke in a different language, could it be Spanish? Or maybe Italian?

"Sì!" Chase said when, what it sounded like, Victoria, was done. Yep, definitely one of those languages.

When Chase's focus was back on to me, I asked him ;"Italian or Spanish?" He tilted his head, signalling that he was confused.

"Do you speak Italian or Spanish?" I stated. "Italian." He proudly said, as he should.
"Italy must be a beautiful country. I've always imagined myself visiting Rome, since I was a child." I told him.

"It is. You should definitely visit." Chase said. I nodded my head slightly, agreeing with him.

I was thinking about our conversation, and I decided to speak my truth.

"You know...I enjoy your company too."
"Really?" Chase asked.
"Yeah, wether or not your an asshole, sometimes you can be entertaining." I told him.

He laughed a little and so did I.

"Well if you enjoy your time here so much, why do you want to leave?" Chase asked me.

He said it in such a soft tone, it felt like I was talking to whole different man. Not somebody who is a mafia leader.

"Because, I have a lot going on at home." I said, "I have to take care of my school, my sick dad, my stalker and that one bitch at my school."

"You have a stalker? And an enemy? And what's wrong with your dad?" Chase asked question after question.

"Yeah, my stalker is some guy I once hooked up with, a girl at my school hates my guts for no reason, and then..." I took a moment of silence before mentioning my dad once more.

"My dad has cancer. He is dying."

Chase looked at me with sad eyes, as if he felt...bad?
"I'm so sorry." He spoke.

"If you are let me go home." I thought.


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