L e a v i n g

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"What?" I ask, making sure that I heard her correctly "I want you to stay. Don't leave tomorrow" Amaya pleaded.

"I- you know I don't want to leave, but, I'm not sure I can stay. It's not safe." I did my best to explain, but Amaya didn't seem convinced.

"What about me?" she then asked. I gave her a -what do you mean- look. Amaya took a few steps closer to the bed, until her knees were almost touching the mattress. Her flowery fragrance was now more obvious, as her figure was now a few inches away from mine.

"They know my address. What if they come knocking on my door thinking you're here, and hurt me." she said.

"They won't." I sternly said. Amaya getting hurt is not happening. Not now, not ever.
"You don't know that." Amaya argued.
"I do. If only you could trust me."

Amaya's face heated up. I could tell that she was angry with me. "Keep telling yourself that" she said "Keep telling yourself that, until I end up in a fucking hospital bed."
Now she triggered a nerve.

I stood up right in front of her tiny figure, faster than thunder, and she backed away from me just as fast, air filling the big gap between us.

"What does a hospital bed have to do with me leaving? What do you expect me to do? Protect you?" I asked, with genuine confusion.

"I thought that's what you promised me"she
fired back "but if you listened to me you would've realised that's that not the reason I want you to stay. I've had a really hard day, and I just wanted to be with you. And then you announce that you're just leaving?"

"And if you were to trust me at all you would've come to me immediately instead of turning to your fucking drugs!" I screamed loudly. Really loud. So loud that everyone in the house heard. So loud that Amaya flinched.

Amaya pushed me out of her way quite roughly, and started digging through the pillows. After she well searched the entire bed she turned to look at me.

"What did you do?" she asked, furiously.
"What the hell did you do, Chase?" she continued when I didn't reply.

I remained silent.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?" she screamed.
"I THREW THEM AWAY! Is that what you want? They're gone! They're no more!" I screamed back, louder this time.

"You fucking bastard! What the hell is wrong with you!"
"I did it for your best." I said. I towered over Amaya as if she was a little puppy I was tormenting, and suddenly I felt bad.

"For my best? Since when do you care about others?You fucking kill people for a living!" She screamed once again. That triggered another nerve, one I wasn't sure I had.

"FUCK OFF, AMAYA!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, and one of my hands curled up into a fist, and I punched the wall, so hard that you could see it slightly on the that it was broken.

The door then opened. Revealing Bryce.

"You know what?" Amaya began, while picking up the pillows and a blanket from a cabinet in her closet "maybe you leaving isn't a bad idea at all! Might as well leave now!"

Then she took the things and headed towards the door. "Get out of my way." she murmured to Bryce and my mom, which I just noticed was there. Then she left.

"Dude, what happened?" Bryce asked.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I stayed up most of the night thinking. How could we have gone from having sex to getting into a heated argument in less than twenty four hours?

I woke up two hours after finally falling asleep by my mom, saying that we had to talk. And how I wish we wouldn't.

Basically, Bryce and Jack managed to find Andrei Ivanov, father of Natalia Ivanov. And it turns out that he is just four hours from where we are as of right now. We couldn't leave at night, as we planned, we had to leave soon.

Jack arranged that we had somewhere to stay, and he thought smart. We would go towards Ivanov's direction, but do it swiftly so that he wouldn't notice us. He even arranged a car, that was from Sweden, so that in case he saw our car's license plate, he would think that we're tourists. And it would obviously have tinted windows.

We all began packing- actually- everyone but me, cause my mother told me to go wake Amaya up and tell her we're leaving.

I did as I was told.

Amaya was waiting for us at the exit when we had finished packing up, which didn't take that long because we hadn't really unpacked much yet. She stood by the door.

One by one, we exited, and she said her farewell to us all. I was last to get out. I came up to her like everyone else did.
Amaya looked at me with sad eyes, then sh e leaned in to hug me like she did with everyone else. I hugged her waist and pulled her so close to me. She was scratching my neck with her long nails. "Sorry." she whispered.

"Me too."

She let go of me, but my hands were still holding her waist. She smiled at me and looked at me with her siren eyes softening, making her look even more baby-like.

I held her chin, not letting her head move, and went for a passionate kiss. I was not allowing to pull away this time, but only cause I wouldn't be able to "punish" her later. I could tell she was embarrassed after the kiss, and my lips curved into a smirk of satisfaction.

And now, it was unfortunately time to leave.


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