H o m e

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The days went by, one by one, and Amaya was still at my house. Two weeks had already gone, and I could not believe it.

My family was extremely confused with my decision to not let Amaya go. Which I understand, I mean, she is all healed, so there is no reason for me to keep her here.

Amaya and I may have fought once or twice, but I really like her. As a friend of course.

She has asked me to let her go plenty of times, and I always tell her "we'll see" and then that's it. I feel like I can rely on her for anything, and I don't know why.
Why did I suddenly get so hooked on her? That question comes across my mind everyday.

However, I don't want to be egotistic, which is why I'm letting her go home.

Why the fuck did she heal so quickly?

Not that I wasn't happy about the fact that she is okay, I just wish she could stay longer. We could have been amazing friends together.

When my decision was made, I went into Amaya's room to tell her. I knocked twice and she told me to come in, in a low voice.

"Amaya, you're going home."I said. She put her book aside to look at me, she had a confused expression. "How come?" She now has a smile on her face.

"You said you wanted to, right? So, come on. I'll get somebody to pack your stuff for you." I explained to her. I shut her door and went to call my staff.

❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁

Amaya and I were talking downstairs, waiting for Ethan, my guard, to bring her stuff to us. Once we saw him, I opened the door for Amaya for her to ext and I followed.

Since I am a gentleman.

Amaya got seated in the passenger's seat, while I loaded her bag in the trunk of the car. When I was done I took my seat in the drivers seat and began to drive out of our parking lot.

"You know the location to my house?" Amaya suddenly asked me. "Yes." I admitted.

I turned to look at her, only to find her looking at me. Then I quickly turned to the road again.
"How?" She asked me, again "I have my ways." I replied, and threw a glance over at her.

She was still looking at me. But this time instead of an confused expression, she had a huge smile. How cute.

"Do you want me to drop you off at your parents house or your own?" I asked her, just to make sure there wouldn't be any confusion.

"Mine, thanks." Now I know exactly where to drive.

The car ride wasn't too long, but it was silent. I wish we could have more deep conversations, I've enjoyed every second with Amaya, even though I wasn't supposed to like her this much.

When she showed me her house I pulled over. But right before she opened the car door I spoke ;"Hey, before you go, let me get your number so that we can keep in contact."

It was clear that she thought my request was weird, but she agreed. And that's all that matters.

I watched her walking towards her front door of her apartment, she had a key in her hand and the bag around her arm. Once she opened the door, she looked at me one more time, smiled and waved goodbye. Then the door closed.


In my opinion, this whole thing with Chase being all nice and sweet, I mean, really nice and sweet, seemed weird. It's not what you would expect from a mafia man.

I still couldn't believe that I had lived through that. Getting shot, being somewhat of a captive to a mafia and all of that was insane.

And why would Chase ask me for my number? I mean I guess I would like to keep in contact with him, but I just wasn't expecting it. But I have to admit, when he asked me for my number my heart skipped a beat out of happiness. Why?

I don't know. But now I have to put all of that aside and think about how I'm going to move forward. What will I say to Skye and Kenzie? Or my school? But most importantly, my mom?

Am I supposed to say the truth?


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