F a r e w e l l

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Amaya was in the bathroom for a long time, but I knew she wasn't actually doing anything in there, she was just trying to avoid me. But she can't just stay in there for the four remaining hours.

Once she finally came back, I tried to act normal, but I couldn't. I had been thinking about her for such a long time. I was trying to figure out wether she hated me or not, and I still can't find out. Was I just supposed to act like I barely know her? Like I haven't been thinking about her nonstop?

But I don't understand why I feel this way.

I noticed that Eleanore was looking at me, with a fucking smirk. I gave her the "fuck off" look, but instead she started giggling, getting Amaya's attention.

Then, suddenly, turbulence hit. Amaya quickly grabbed onto my arm and squeezed it tightly. After it went back to normal she let go. "Are you scared of flying?" I asked; "Kind of." She replied.

A tiny smile grew on my lips as my hand looked for hers, when I found it and held it I was expecting her to pull away, but she didn't, instead she smiled back at me. And I could feel myself blushing.

"Do you like drawing?" She suddenly asked, out of the blue; "Sometimes, I'm not that good at it though." I admitted.

"I have this book we could draw in, if your up for it." She said, while handing be a pencil.

I took the pencil and began drawing with her. We decided to make little figures all around the sheet. Mine came out like shit, but hers were good. She laughed at mine, which made me laugh with her; "I told you I can't draw." I reminded her.

Maybe she doesn't hate me after all.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Amaya and I were sharing conversations, it felt like I could speak with her for hours without getting bored. But eventually, the plane landed. We said farewell as we headed down the stairs of the plane. Amaya gave Eleanore a hug before going to her friends.

But we would see each other at the hotel, so there's no point in being disappointed. Now I just have to focus on my work.


I headed off to see find the girls. I found Mackenzie and Skye walking together, and then I spotted Kyra walking in front of them, leading them into the actual airport.

I began walking faster until I finally reached them.

"You look awfully happy, Amaya." Skye spoke.
"Yeah, did you sneak into the bathroom with someone?" Mackenzie asked, winking at me.
"Shut up Kenz." I said, laughing it off.

"Chase was sitting next to me." I explained.
"Chase? The mafia man?" Kenzie yelled.

I quickly covered her mouth, but it was no use. Everyone was already staring.

I eventually let go, and went to walk with Kyra instead. At least she wouldn't yell out things that others should not know.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After a long day of travelling from New York, all the way to Riverside, California, we had arrived at GoldenFame Hotel.

Once we checked in, we all went to find our rooms. We decided that two rooms were enough, one for me and Mackenzie, and another one for Skye and Kyra.
Our suites were right next to each other, room 208 and room 209.

We separated and got into our rooms, thankfully, Mackenzie was tired, so she wasn't going to ask me all sorts of questions about Chase.

I did my quick night routine and went to bed, since it was already kind of late. Kenzie was already fast asleep, I tried to get her into changing her clothes and washing her face, but stubborn Kenzie would never listen to me.

I tried getting as cozy as possible in my bed, but my mind couldn't relax, all I could do was think about Chase.

What is he doing now? Is he okay? Did he get any work done today? Is he still awake? Is he thinking about me?

All those thoughts ran through my mind, keeping me awake, another thing that was keeping me awake was Mackenzie's loud snoring. And I didn't even bring any earplugs with me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next morning, once we had all woken up, we decided to go to a little cafeteria for brunch. I barely got any sleep last night, I just couldn't stop thinking about my whole interaction with Chase, and the way we said farewell, it felt like we didn't mean it.

Maybe we'll meet again, somewhere.

Whatever, today's a new day. I picked out an outfit from my luggage. I decided on a beautiful floral dress, that fit me perfectly.

Amaya's outfit

I didn't do anything with my hair, or my makeup

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I didn't do anything with my hair, or my makeup. I simply put on some jewels, my silver rings and a necklace with a tiny A on it, which stands for my name.

Surprisingly, I was the last one to be ready.
"Finally you're here, Amaya." Skye complained.
"I didn't realise that I took so long, sorry." I explained.

"Is it because you were thinking of Chase?" Mackenzie asked, and winked at me.
"Kenzie, go to hell." I argued, I was not going to let her win this, no way.

"Can we go now?" Kyra said; "Yes, let's go." I replied.
I went ahead and walked next to Kyra, while Skye and Mackenzie walked behind us, whispering and giggling, and i new damn well that they  were talking about me and Chase.

And I honestly wish I could join them.


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