I g n o r e d

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Today was the day that the Davian family was coming, I had no idea how long they were going to stay, I hadn't asked yet. I was making dinner for all of us, but I had my mom help me with it, of course. She's a great cook.

I looked over at the clock, seeing we had an hour and a half to finish dinner. I told my mom all about Chase's family, other than the mafia part, and In even asked her to stay so that she could meet them, but she said she was going to stay with my dad. Apparently she wants to spend as much time with him as possible, now that he's better. I wish I could go with her, but I can't, not today. I will tomorrow.

The food was finished, and my mom put it in the fridge. "I'm leaving now." she said, and picked up her bag. I barely got to say goodbye before she closed the door behind her.

Great. Now Im alone again.

I decided that it would be a good idea to change out of my pijamas into something else. Maybe that would make them feel more welcomed. I took a very quick shower and got ready right after that.

I figured that I could chill a bit until they were to arrive, so I sat on the couch and watched my show.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I heard a knocking on my door, and immediately knew they had arrived. I got up and prepared myself, what's the worst that could happen?

I put a smile on my face and opened the door, and I was greeted with an excited Eleanore; "Hi! Oh my goodness, Amaya. I missed you so much!" she said. She gave me a hug and I returned it before greeting the rest of the family. Chase was the last one to come in, and when he was about to he attempted to give me a kiss before I quickly dodged it, I didn't want us to be kissing and all touchy around his family.

I could see a hint of confusion in his face before he entered. I shut the door behind him.
"Are you guys hungry?" I asked.
"Yes, we are. Is dinner ready?" Victoria asked me; "Yeah, it's right here, let me just set the table." I replied.

"Eleanore, help her." I heard Victoria say before I went into the kitchen.

Eleanore and I were setting the table while the others were speaking, but in Italian. I couldn't help but overhear Victoria raise her voice at the boys, and they all shut up as soon as she did, even Chase.

"Alright, come and eat" I said when the table was ready. We all took a seat, and Chase took one right next to me, Bryce was sitting on my other side. We began eating and everyone was talking about something, I don't know what, but I was having a nice conversation with Bryce about their whole situation with their enemies. I didn't even realise the time passing by, I eventually finished my food, but our conversation went on.

I suddenly felt a cold yet strong grip on my right thigh. I looked over at Chase, who was sitting on my right side, his hand on my thigh. He was grabbing it harder and harder, until he let go and let it travel into my inner thigh, spreading my legs forcefully. I was quite shocked, but still tried to keep my conversation going with Bryce.

I felt Chase's grip grow stronger as I was not giving him any attention, but when Eleanore had gotten Bryce's attention for something I looked over at Chase. He was looking at his mom, listening to what she had to say, as if he wasn't committing a "crime" right now.

His hand was now brushing over my covered pussy, through my pants. That's when he turned his gaze to me, with a smirk. I gave him the death stare before he leaned over to kiss my lips, I pulled away before he could kiss me and started ignoring him.

He started rubbing his finger on that area more aggressively now, but I continued on with ignoring him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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