B i r t h d a y

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My trip with the girls was coming to an end. We were just packing some final things for us to head back to New York. I did end up telling all of them about Chase and our relationship.
Eleanore sent me a message saying that she was so happy for me and Chase, so I'm guessing that he told her too.

Although I am leaving, Chase told me that he will be staying a bit longer in California. So we wouldn't be able to see each other for two days, which to me sounded fine, but Chase made it sound like a really big deal.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As soon as I stepped foot in my school, for the first time after my vacation, Natalia was there, grinning at me; "What happened to you Amaya? You got another chance to be a whore?" she asked, with her thick, Russian accent. I rolled my eyes, before giving her the middle finger and continue walking.

Natalia has always been like this, but it's gotten worse after my break up with Chris.

When we were dating, he would force me to do things I didn't want to, as in having sex with him. He was manipulating me, making me think that he was the victim in our relationship. Thankfully, my dad helped me realise that I needed to break up with Chris immediately. That was when he was feeling better.

The problem now, is that after our break up, Chris made himself the victim by lying and saying that I was the be forcing him to do stuff, or that I would get payed to sleep with other men, and that I was cheating. And since he is a doctor, many people in my school know him.

But most of them have a brain and don't believe him, but not Natalia, unless she's only doing it to make fun of me.

But my school day went by quickly, and it was already the end of a Wednesday.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Saturday afternoon, my doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone so I tried to decide wether to see who it was or to pretend that I wasn't home. But I ended up opening it; and to my surprise it was Chase. I smiled at him, while he just came right up to me and kissed me deeply. When he pulled away he finally greeted me back.

"Hi. I want to ask you for a huge favour." He said, exaggerating the word 'huge'.
"And that is?" I asked.
"I want you to be my date, at Jack's birthday party." He simply said. And that stupid smirk grew on his face; the one that I loved so much.

"So? What do you say?" He asked again.
"Sure, why not." I told him.

Lucky for me, I had bought enough of formal dresses in California. I tried some of them on for Chase. We ended up deciding on a white dress, that was silk and reached down to my ankles.

After that, Chase left to give the both of us time to get ready.

I found out that Jack's birthday would be celebrated in their manner. Many mafia members from their family and from other families would be there, including some of his friends. And just like that I was ready.

Right then, Chase rang my doorbell. I rushed to the door to open it, and I was greeted with a handsome Chase. He was wearing a casual outfit, with black pants and a white button down, with a few buttons open at the top. His outfit caressed his body perfectly.

"You're so pretty you know that?" He asked and kissed my cheek.
I nodded; "You tell me every day." I said and giggled.

Chase grabbed my hand and led me out. I had honestly never expected him to be this charming.

The car ride was great, we were talking about our week. We were having fun asking each other silly questions, and before we knew it we had arrived at the mansion.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The party was fun, but only when Chase was with me, cause occasionally he'd have to speak to other members. Out of respect, of course.

Jack also came by and said that he was happy I had come, Eleanore, Victoria and Bryce also came by to say hi. Apparently Chase had already told them that we had began dating. I wasn't sure how they would feel about us, but they seemed happy about it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The party had settled, and many people began to leave. Then it was our time to leave
"Do you need to go home? Couldn't spend the night with me?" Chase asked.

"I guess I don't really have to go home." I replied; "Good. I'll let you wear some of my clothes." He said.

Chase grabbed my hand and pulled me out to his car. When we got there he opened the passenger door for me; "Thank you!" I said.

"Anything for you." He said with a wink. I grinned at him before dipping into the passenger seat. Chase made sure I had my seatbelt on before closing the door. I giggled to myself while he made his way to the driver's seat. He was so cute.

Chase took me to one of his villas. It was a beautiful place next to a forest, with many other luxurious villas surrounding it. We stepped into the building. It had two floors, and in the backyard I could see a swimming pool and even a jacuzzi.

"C'mon, let's go upstairs and change." He said. But I wasn't really focused on him, instead I was focused on the luxury that was surrounding me. So Chase came up to me and lift me up in his arms, bridal style.

Then he carried me upstairs. I tried to fight it, but of course I couldn't.

"There we go" Chase said when we arrived to his room; "You can open the closet and pick a shirt." He said.

I did as he said and opened the closet. It was kind of messy so I had to dig through the clothes to find a comfortable looking t-shirt. When I did I pulled my dress down, took my bra off and slid the big t-shirt on. I looked back to see Chase on the bed, smirking.
I smirked back at him, doing something he didn't expect.

"Come here." He said as he patted on the bed.
"This place is beautiful." I told him as I laid next to him. He made my head rest on his bare shoulders.
"I know" he began "but nothing beats your beauty."
I laughed at his words.

"Cheesy." I mumbled, I felt myself drift off, but then Chase stared moving. He started stroking my hair, which made me fall asleep immediately.

I did hear him whisper something, but I was too tired to figure it out.


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