T h e T r u t h

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The dinner had gone really smoothly, more than I would have ever expected. You was sure that there was going to be some outrage, as always. But, maybe Amaya's presence was enough to make us calm.

After Luca, Emma and Evelina had left, I was speaking with Amaya, I asked her to open up about her family, if she was comfortable with it of course.

And she did. Not only about her family. About her whole livelihood. She was ranting but I wouldn't stop her. It was interesting to hear her talk.

She was now finished with her speech. "Let's not forget to change your bandage." I spoke. I almost completely forgot about it.

"Yeah of course." She replied, walking out of my room. Where was she going?  I decided to take my nightly shower.

❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁

After my shower I put in my clothes, not my pyjamas, since I have a mission tonight. Just like that mission five nights ago, when I shot Amaya.

After that I went into Amaya's room. The view of when I opened the door was Amaya, leaned over, putting her pants on. Her ass was out.

Her pyjama pants reached up to her butt. And that was when I snapped back into reality. I knocked on the half open door. She turned to look at me and when she saw me I spoke; "Umm, should we change your bandage."

"I can do it myself, thank you though." She said; "No. Let me help you." I told her.

Eventually, she agreed to let me help. I sat next to her on the bed just like last night. She lifted her shirt and I started taking of her bandage. I pulled out the ointment cream, and rubbed it on her wound. It looks already more healed than yesterday.

"Does it feel any better?" I asked her; "Yes. I can barely feel it anymore." She replied. "Good." I gave her a tiny smile as I put on the new bandage.

"So when are you going to let me go home?" She asked suddenly. "Why? So you can go back to your drugs?" I asked, trying to sound sarcastic, but I was really not. She looked at me with hatred.

"I already told you. It's not drugs." She sternly said. She sounded angry. "And I, already told you, I know damn well that it is." I replied, with the same attitude.

"No it's not!" She yelled, really loudly. So loudly most likely everyone in the house heard. She stood up and backed away from me. "You don't know what you're talking about! You don't know what you're doing to yourself!" I yelled back.

I walked towards her as I spoke. "Do you care? No!" She yelled again. "I don't know what you want from me, Chase!"

I quickly replied; "The truth!" "That is all I want!"

The tears had now fallen from her eyes. Those beautiful, big, brown eyes. "Fine! You want the truth? I take drugs! I do!" She yelled at me. I was stunned.

"Happy now?" She asked, while still yelling at me. She stormed out of the room. I could hear her running up the stairs to the third floor, which was mostly an empty space, with a couple of boxes, tables, a sofa, a tv, a fridge and chairs.

There were also three balconies on the third floor. The other tiny rooms were more like weapon rooms. And then there was the tracking room, where we would track our enemies, or anyone.

I gave Amaya some time, before I went searching for her. I went up the stairs and asked the maid who works on the third floor if she had seen her. She said yes and that she headed towards the largest balcony.

I headed to the balcony and, there she was. "Are you okay?" was her he only thing that I could get out of me. She didn't even bother looking at me. Instead she just nodded her head.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to ruin your evening." I said. This is the first time I apologise without someone begging me to do it. "It's fine." She said. Her voice was weak, I could tell that she had been crying.

The silence filled the air. I wanted to tell her something but I didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry to." she said; "although it is your fault." "It's not. I did nothing wrong." I tried to keep calm.

"Yeah...it's never your fault. It's always them, them and them." Amaya stated. 'I give up' I thought ti myself. I stepped out of the balcony and headed towards Jack's room. He was the one who was going on the mission with me.


I hate him. I fucking hate him. He's such a dick. He can drown in hell. Here again, is the feeling. And if that asshole wasn't keeping me here by force, I would take my pills and go on with my night.

Should I just jump of the balcony? My intrusive thought was interrupted by a sweet feminine voice speaking; "Miss, you'll need to exit this floor. Lights turn of at ten up here." she said, with the sweetest voice.

"Of course. Thank you..." I paused; "umm, what's your name?" I asked the lady; "Tabitha!" She replied.

"Okay. Thank you, Tabitha." I told her. As I was about to step out she stopped me, by grabbing my hand, turning me around; "And you are?" She said, still sounding sweet.

"Amaya." I gave her a smile. An honest smile.

After we greeted each other I left the floor and went to the bathroom in my room. I was going to take a shower, it's something I do every time I need to calm down. A cold little shower.

❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁

After my shower, I got into my clean pyjamas. Or more like, Eleanore's pyjamas. I went downstairs to make myself a snack. I was expecting to be alone but there were many maids all around the kitchen and the living room. Along with all the maids was Eleanore with miss Victoria, sat on the couch.

I took an apple and went to them; "Can I sit with you, girls?" I asked; "Of course, Amaya! We didn't ask you to sit with us since we thought you were sleeping." Eleanore said.

So far I thought Eleanore was the nicest person here. But I think I struck a chord with Tabitha. I mean, I haven't met many of the other maids yet, other than two, Gwen and Octavia. But we only said hi, and then never spoke again.

We were watching tv, a movie was playing. "How is your wound now, sweetie?" Miss Victoria asked; "it's really good! I don't feel any pain." I simply replied.

"Good, good." She gave me a smile. She probably wanted to get rid of me. Trust me, I want to get rid of myself too. Cielo was sitting on the couch with us. I wasn't planning on staying there long. Just for a bit.

After an hour and a half had passed, I decided to go to bed. When I laid down Cielo sat at my feet on my bed. I lightly stroke him until I fell asleep.

Today was the absolute worst.


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