"Look at the camera and introduce yourself first. "

"Lee Taemin. 26 years old . "


"Is that all ? "

He looked up from the camera screen and asked. Then turned to stare at the person next to him with a 'Hm' voice at the nod of my head. Then, the tired looking 30 year old man stared at me, suddenly looked at the black window behind him and spoke in a firm voice.

"Mr. Lee Taemin. What's wrong with your face? "

Before I knew it he was pointing to my torn lip, a determined voice spoke up .

"To us, you are a product. But if the product you are about to buy is defective , who will buy it ?" The manager was confused by his words, so he went forward .

"Um , Chief Park , that wound is ..."

Chief Park ? Ah, the one who cried because of the superior, huh. As I recalled, the party in question ordered the manager in a coercive tone.

"Manager Choi, step back.... Mr. Lee Taemin. Do you have anything else to say ? Will you buy fruit that has been eaten by insects ?"

"No." He frowned at my answer and waved his hand .

"If you already know, then please go out . "


"Do you understand human language ? Your interview is done, please go out . "

Instead of moving , I turned to look at the manager who was about to move forward . Once again, I put my hand out to stop him. Unexpectedly I actually had to use this prepared props. I took a step forward, recalling something the manager said.

"- Just spread your true nature out. - "

"Don't like it ."

" ... Huh ? "

I looked up at the 30 year old man who was surprised by my words, and slowly took the thing I had prepared earlier from my pocket.

"Why are you deaf? I said I don't like it."

The wind whistled past my fingertips. Not big , but suddenly quiet , attracting the eyes of everyone in the room .

Clinck. clink

Although it only takes a few seconds before it fully folds and reveals its silver luster, I know how flashy it can look with this flexible flip feature. Always the fastest way to intimidate the target, those uniformed students just shake their wallets at my beckoning. This is called a Balisong, a butterfly knife. Even though my subject has now turned into a suit-clad interviewer, the look in his eyes when he caught the knife was no different from the students I used to deal with.

" Wha- you even brought a knife in ..."

He leaned back, exclaiming in fear. Then, when I got closer, he opened his eyes wide and his voice softened.

" Hey , hey Mr. Lee Taemin ..."

"It's bad, isn't it ? "

I interrupted him , standing slowly in front of the table and turning the knife again .

Swallow, swish.

Confirming the hardening gaze of Chief Park at the sound of iron clashing, I asked again.

"I don't want that either. I'm only here because the uncle over there kept annoying me to come and see what the interview was about. So you mean to tell me, I wasted my time trying to come here just to give you my name and get told to leave? "

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