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The woman hands me a brochure with a warm smile on her face. I walk inside the room that I'll be in. I don't even want to be here. For a second, I contemplate leaving here and going straight back home. But I already promised Josiah, Darren, and my mom that I'll do this.

I took a seat far in the back away from everyone. I kept my eyes forward as I sat slumped back against my seat. I'm in a room full of other drug addicts that looked damn near homeless—worse state than me.

When I went to take a sip from my bottle of water that I had on me, I could feel someone staring at me. Instantly growing annoyed, I went to turn my head to see who was staring a hole at me and saw that it was just a random nigga sitting a few chairs in front of me.

"What you looking at?" I mugged.

The man laughs at me but gets up and sits in the empty chair next to me. Now I'm really looking at him crazy, because why the fuck are you sitting this close to me for?

"There's no reason to be mean, lil bro."

"Lil bro? Don't fuck wimme."

I'm tryin' so hard not to get kicked outta here on my first day. Niggas gonna learn to quick tryin' me.

"So aggressive. You this mean to everyone?"

"It depends."

He laughs a little but doesn't say anything else. "Aye, chill. I thought you looked cool as shit is all. What you in here for?"

"The same reason why everyone else is in here, nigga. I needed to get help for the sake of my loved ones. Now since we are asking the obvious... Why are you here?"

He doesn't even look like he does drugs. He seemed well kept together compared to these other people.

"It's a part of my probation."

Now I'm curious on what he did.

"Probation? The fuck did you do?"

"Man, some type of drug offense, so I gotta serve one year of probation."

Aw hell he just looks guilty.

My eyes goes to stare forward at the many people in this room who talked with one another. This shit feels so awkward that I'm here. I'm not even supposed to be here to begin with.

"What's yo name, G?"


He nods his head, slowly. "That's what's up. I'm Elijah."

He gives me a slight smile before he went to look down at the brochure, reading what this group therapy is going to be. Maybe this group therapy session won't be so bad—he seems aight to me.

My attention is snapped when a woman who was giving out the brochures come into the room, clapping her hands. "Come on, guys! Let's get this group session started!" She sounded a lil to energetic for me, making me roll my eyes. "I'm Alessa and I'll be your counselor. This is a safe zone where everyone is going to be talking about their struggling addictions, receiving advice, and getting the help that you need. We're here to help."

Yawning, I just sat back to get comfortable in my seat. This is going to be a long two hours.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

I was in my kitchen fixing a bowl of cereal after I just got done taking a nap. Not only did I have to get up early as fuck this morning for that session, but that shit took two hours out of some good sleep that I could've been getting.

My front doorbell rings. I get up from my seat at the table to go answer it. When I swung open the door, I saw that it was only just Josiah standing here with something wrapped up in foil in his hands. Shit, I've never been so glad to see him.

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