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Feeling weird as hell right now is an understatement. Josiah wanted to hold hands with me while walking in this mall. I'm still not used to all this affectionate shit, but he loved it. As long as it made him happy, I guess.

It's Saturday, so the mall is slightly packed with many people. Josiah asked me if I wanted to come to the mall with him today and I just agreed since I had nothing else better to do. Plus, I thought it would be great to get his mind off about what happened since he was scared.

My mind has been on the circumstance of what happened at my show nonstop. I dm'ed Killa on Insta a while ago so we could meet up and address some shit. His bitch ass still hasn't responded yet.

We're just walking until Josiah suddenly gasps and stopped. This caused me to stop to see what's got him all shocked.

He walks over to this baby store, pulling my hand with him.


"This is so cute! Look at all the small clothes!"

He looks back at me with a huge smile on his face. It was amazing to me how much his face lit up when walking into this store. I couldn't knock how happy he was, because I liked seeing him this excited.

Josiah pulled my hand over to the boy's section. He lets my hand go to pick up one of the tiniest shirts I have ever seen. It's like his eyes lit up even more. "Aww, this is so cute!"

"You must really like babies, huh?"

He nods his head, rapidly. "They're the cutest things ever. Braelyn and I haven't went shopping yet to get some baby clothes, or let alone, anything else that the baby needs."

Josiah puts the shirt back down with his mood now not being nearly as excited as he once was before. I looked around the store and saw a few happy, pregnant mothers picking out clothes for whatever the gender their baby is going to be. I even saw one father holding a sleeping baby in his arms while standing next to his pregnant wife.

My attention directs back to Josiah, who was still browsing through the section. "You like any of these clothes?"

"Of course I do. Look at this one, TyTy."

He holds up a baby blue shirt that says, 'Mama's keeper' in white, bold print. I chuckled at the saying on the shirt. "You can get it then if you want. Get anything you want in here and I'll buy it."

Josiah shook his head, putting the shirt back down. "Thanks, but you don't have to do this, Ty. I don't want you spending your money on this."

"Don't worry about that. Get whatever you want. I don't mind paying for stuff like this if this is what makes you happy."

Josiah still looks like he wants to fight me on this, but eventually gives up when he saw I wasn't going to let up.

"Thank you, Tyree," he smiled.

He gets up on his tippy toes to give me a peck on the cheek, but I quickly turned my head so he would give it to me on my lips. I never seen him blush so hard as he tried to hide how red his face was getting.

We walked out the store with two big bags full of baby clothes.

"You think we should get Pierre something?" Josiah asked. "I want to cheer him up from what happened."

He acted like the shooting from the other night never happened and was back to his regular self, which is strange because he froze up on that floor for a while. I tried to catch up to Killa, but he already bailed before I could get to his ass.

Pierre doesn't want to talk about why he froze up instead of running like everyone else and that is frustrating to both me and Siah.

"Sure, whatever you think he'll like."

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